MRI Findings of Giant Cell Tumors of the Spine
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to describe the MRI features of giant cell tumors of the spine in 10 patients.
CONCLUSION. One of the tumors was located in C7. The other nine tumors were located in the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and sacrum, three in each site. The characteristic findings included an expansile mass with heterogeneous low to intermediate signal intensity on the T2-weighted images (10/10), a curvilinear area of signal void on T1- and T2-weighted images (9/10), and cystic changes within the mass (4/10). Although no imaging feature was pathognomonic, MRI was found to be valuable in identifying the tumor, revealing its extent, and defining its relationship with the intraspinal structures.
Giant cell tumors involving the spine are rare. In a literature review by Shankman et al. [1], only 2.7% of the 1,277 giant cell tumors reported were located in the spine. Sanjay et al. [2] reported that from 1955 to 1990 there were only 24 patients with giant cell tumors of the spine at the Mayo Clinic. The tumor usually develops in the vertebral body, and the posterior elements are frequently involved in patients with advanced lesions.
Although the features of giant cell tumors of the appendicular skeleton have been well described in the literature, there are few reports of MRI of vertebral tumors, which are limited to case reports and a few examples included in general reviews of spinal lesions [1–3]. In this study, the clinical records and MRI findings of 10 patients with giant cell tumors of the spine were reviewed retrospectively to define the typical MRI features of these unusual lesions.
Materials and Methods
Patient Population
This study retrospectively analyzed the MR images of 10 patients diagnosed with giant cell tumor of the spine that was confirmed at surgical exploration and histology from 1999 to 2006. Eight patients were transferred from other hospitals along with their MR images for further evaluation of the tumors.
All patients were evaluated on MRI before biopsy or surgery. The clinical information available included age at presentation, sex, history, duration of signs and symptoms, and surgical or biopsy findings. The institutional review board waived approval for this retrospective study. Informed consent was not required.
MRI Technique
The imaging equipment and protocols varied according to the time and location at which the study was performed. The unenhanced fast spin-echo T1-weighted images (TR/TE, 422–875/9–23) and T2-weighted images (3,000–4,500/96–120) in the sagittal and axial planes were available for all patients. The images obtained after the IV administration of gadolinium were available in each case, and the imaging parameters used for enhanced imaging were similar to those used for unenhanced imaging.
Image Analysis
Two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists evaluated the imaging studies, and the results were determined by consensus. The lesion size was measured at the maximum diameter in centimeters. Also recorded were the vertebral segments involved and the number of vertebral segments spanned.
The following aspects of the MR images were analyzed: the signal intensity on the T1- and T2-weighted images, enhancing pattern, presence or absence of curvilinear area of low signal intensity in the mass, tumor extent, presence or absence of spinal canal involvement, compression fracture of the involved vertebrae, cystic changes within the mass, and fluid–fluid level within the tumor. Vertebral compression was defined as a loss of height of the vertebral body compared with the adjacent normal vertebrae.
On each pulse sequence, the signal intensity of the tumor was graded as low, similar, or high relative to the normal spinal cord. The signal pattern was evaluated as either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous signal pattern consisted of mainly uniform signal intensity throughout the lesion. A heterogeneous signal pattern consisted of a mixture of signal intensities. On the gadolinium-enhanced images, each tumor was evaluated for the degree (graded as nonenhancement, mild, moderate, and marked) and pattern (homogeneous or heterogeneous) of enhancement.
The CT images of the tumors, if available, were analyzed for the density of the tumor, the presence or absence of contrast enhancement, and the destruction of cortical bone.
Clinical Features
There were seven male and three female patients with an average age of 31.9 years (age range, 14–54 years) (Table 1). The patients' symptoms were lower back, upper back, or sacral pain; weakness of the lower extremities; radiating pain to the lower extremities; and hoarseness. The symptom duration was 1 month to 3 years (mean, 6.2 months). One patient (patient 6) had no significant symptoms, and the tumor was detected incidentally on chest CT for evaluation of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Patient No. | Age (y) | Sex | Site | Symptoms | Duration of Symptoms (m) | Curvilinear Area of Signal Void | Fracture or Collapse | Cystic Change | Spinal Canal Involvement | Expansile Pattern | Maximum Diameter (cm) | Cortical Destruction on CT |
1 | 28 | M | S1 | Radiating pain to right lower extremity | 8 | + | – | + | + | + | 10.5 | NA |
2 | 31 | F | L5 | Radiating pain to right lower extremity | 4 | + | + | – | + | + | 6.0 | NA |
3 | 48 | M | S3 | Sacral pain | 3 | + | – | + | + | + | 9.6 | + |
4 | 29 | F | L1 | Lower back pain | 12 | + | + | + | + | + | 8.6 | + |
5 | 19 | M | T2 | Upper back pain | 24 | – | + | – | – | – | 2.7 | – |
6 | 36 | M | T5–T7 | No symptoms | Incidental detection | + | + | – | + | + | 5.6 | + |
7 | 14 | F | L5 | Lower back pain with weakness | 2 | + | + | – | + | + | 6.2 | + |
8 | 27 | M | C7 | Hoarseness | 3 | + | + | + | – | + | 7.9 | + |
9 | 33 | M | S1 | Pain on right posterior thigh | 1 | + | – | – | + | + | 6.4 | NA |
10 | 54 | M | T8 | Lower extremity weakness | 5 | + | + | – | + | + | 5.7 | NA |
Note—Plus sign (+) = present, minus sign (–) = absent, NA = not applicable
MRI Results
Table 1 and Figures 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 3A, and 3B summarize and illustrate the MRI features. One tumor was located in the C7 vertebral body, three in the thoracic spine, three in the lumbar spine, and three in the sacrum. The maximum measured diameter ranged from 2.7 to 10.5 cm (mean, 8.6 cm). The tumors located in the sacrum showed a larger size than the other tumors.
T1-weighted MR images showed homogeneous and similar signal intensity to the normal spinal cord in eight cases and heterogeneous low signal intensity in two cases. The T2-weighted images showed heterogeneous signal intensity within the masses in all cases. Three cases showed high signal intensity on the T2-weighted images compared with the normal spinal cord, four cases showed similar signal intensity to the normal spinal cord, and three cases showed low intensity. Curvilinear low signal areas within the tumors were observed in nine cases on both the T1- and T2-weighted MR images (Fig. 1A). Cystic changes within the masses were observed in four cases and the fluid–fluid level in only one case (Figs. 2A and 2B).
The tumors enhanced in a variety of patterns after the administration of gadolinium: mild in two, moderate in five, marked in three; and homogeneous in four and heterogeneous in six (Figs. 2C and 2D). Nine tumors showed an expansile pattern that extended to the posterior column or paravertebral area (Fig. 1B). One case in the T2 vertebral body (patient 5), which did not have a curvilinear area of low signal intensity within the mass, showed no expansile pattern. Eight tumors showed intraspinal extension. Only one case (patient 10) had a compressed spinal cord and showed high signal intensity in the spinal cord, which was indicative of compressive myelopathy. Compression fractures were observed in seven cases, which were located in the cervical (n = 1), thoracic (n = 3), or lumbar (n = 3) spine. The sacral masses did not show any compression fracture.
CT scans were available in six cases. On the CT scans, the masses were typically isodense with respect to the paraspinal muscle (Fig. 2E). Osteolytic tumors were well shown by CT in all six cases. Destruction of cortical bone was observed in five cases within the tumors (Figs. 3A and 3B). Contrast-enhanced CT scans, which were available in three cases, showed enhancement of the lesion compared with the paraspinal muscle (Fig. 2F).
Giant cell tumors of bone in the vertebrae are quite rare. Most of these lesions occur in the sacrum, followed in order of decreasing frequency by the thoracic, cervical, and lumbar segments [3]. Spinal lesions are more frequently found in women and affect patients in their second to fourth decades of life [4]. The clinical symptoms are primarily pain (often with a radicular distribution), weakness, and sensory deficits. A dramatic increase in lesion size can occasionally be associated with pregnancy and is presumably related to hormonal stimulation [3]. However, in our series, only one case was detected in the cervical spine. More men were affected than women (M:F = 7:3).
Pathologically, giant cell tumor consists of abundant osteoclastic giant cells intermixed throughout the spindle cell stroma. Mononuclear cells in a giant cell tumor are of more significance than the giant cells [5]. The other features of this lesion include occasional erythrocyte lakes (secondary “aneurysmal bone cystlike” change) and xanthomatous changes within the focal collections of histiocytes. Aneurysmal bone cyst formation may be encountered as a secondary feature in a variety of osseous lesions including giant cell tumor [6]. In addition, prominent areas of fibrous tissue with a high collagen level are a frequent finding, and giant cells are uncommon in these regions.
The presence of a single marrow lesion in the axial skeleton on MR images poses a diagnostic problem of primary bone tumor or metastasis. Although a biopsy of the lesion remains the mainstay of an ultimate diagnosis, the imaging characteristics of a lesion might be helpful in directing the most appropriate further investigations.
Radiologic studies of spinal giant cell tumors usually show an expansile lesion, with osteolysis observed on radiographs [7]. As with appendicular giant cell tumors, spinal lesions show no evidence of mineralized matrix [4]. In the sacrum, the lesions are frequently large with destruction of the sacral foraminal lines, but this nonspecific finding is also observed with other large sacral lytic lesions. A sacral giant cell tumor commonly involves both sides of the midline, and an extension across the sacroiliac joint is frequent [8]. In this study, invasions to the sacroiliac joint were also detected in two cases of the three sacral masses. Paradoxically, giant cell tumors of the long bones do not share this invasive feature of spinal lesions and rarely extend across or through the articular cartilage. When a giant cell tumor occurs in the spine above the sacrum, it usually affects the vertebral body as opposed to the posterior elements and is accompanied by many other neoplasms (aneurysmal bone cyst, osteoid osteoma, or osteoblastoma). Extension into the posterior elements and paraspinal soft tissues and associated vertebral collapse are often apparent [7].
The MR images of a giant cell tumor often show heterogeneous signal intensity regardless of the pulse sequence used [9]. Generally, the tumor has low to intermediate signal intensity on the T1-weighted MR images. Interestingly, giant cell tumors have low to similar signal intensity to the normal spinal cord on the T2-weighted MR images in 63–96% of cases [9]. This appears to be caused by the relative collagen content of fibrous components and hemosiderin within the tumor [6]. When bone tumors do not contain a mineralized matrix, the low signal intensity areas observed on MR images are not always the result of hemosiderin deposition and can be caused by a dense collagen matrix [6].
Although this feature is not unique to giant cell tumors of the spine, it is quite helpful in making a differential diagnosis because most other spinal neoplasms (metastases, myeloma, lymphoma, and chordoma) show high signal intensity on the long-TR MR images. This appearance may be the initial imaging characteristic suggestive of a correct diagnosis. Evidence of hemorrhage may also be apparent with high signal intensity on the T1- and T2-weighted images or fluid–fluid levels on the MR images. Cystic areas (similar to those seen in aneurysmal bone cyst) and regions of previous hemorrhage with hemosiderin deposits are common [4]. In this study, cystic changes were also noted in four cases, and a fluid–fluid level was observed in one case. MRI performed after an IV injection of contrast material also shows enhancement of the lesion, which reflects its increased vascular supply.
In the present case series, nine patients showed the unusual appearance of low signal curvilinear areas on the T1- and T2-weighted images within the vertebral body, which presumably corresponds to a multicystic lesion with a thickened trabeculae, fibrous septae, or hemosiderin deposit. The curvilinear area of low signal intensity was described previously for plasmacytoma and vertebral hemangioma [10]. A solitary bone plasmacytoma needs to be considered in a differential diagnosis. However, heterogeneous signal intensity on the T2-weighted images, heterogeneous enhancement, and cystic changes were not usually observed in vertebral hemangioma.
Disease control after a complete surgical excision for a giant cell tumor is 85–90% successful in the tubular bones. However, giant cell tumors in the axial skeleton, particularly in the sacrum, are associated with a poorer prognosis because the tumors are larger and more difficult to excise completely [11]. In many cases, a complete resection is only possible in limited sacral lesions, and imaging plays a key role in a presurgical evaluation. In general, sacral lesions that spare the majority of the S1 segment and the sacroiliac joint are amenable to a complete excision. Giant cell tumors that cannot be excised entirely are often treated with a combination of partial curettage and radiation therapy [12]. The estimated frequency of malignant giant cell tumors or a malignant transformation of benign giant cell tumors is 10% [12]. In most cases, the malignant transformation develops after irradiation. Radiation therapy, though controversial due to the potential risk of causing the sarcomatous degeneration of benign tumors, may provide a reasonable method for controlling the tumors in these cases [12].
In conclusion, the MRI findings of a giant cell tumor in the spine are often characteristic, allowing for an accurate diagnosis and preoperative evaluation of the extent of the mass. The characteristic findings include an expansile mass with heterogeneous low to intermediate signal intensity on the T2-weighted image, curvilinear area of low signal intensity on the T1- and T2-weighted images, and cystic changes within the mass.
Address correspondence to H. W. Chung ([email protected]).
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© American Roentgen Ray Society.
Submitted: November 6, 2006
Accepted: February 7, 2007
First published: November 23, 2012
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