Structured Review Article
Residents' Section
November 2009

Staging of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Integrated PET/CT

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a unique imaging technique that provides details of functional processes in the body. PET has many applications but is most widely used in thoracic oncology because of its superiority over other imaging techniques in staging nodal and metastatic disease [1]. However, the poor anatomic detail of PET can lead to errors in diagnosis and staging. Through the integration of CT and PET, form and function are merged to create a better imaging tool, particularly in the staging of non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Imaging Technique

In PET, a biologically active molecule is labeled with a radionuclide and introduced into the body. Most of the positron-emitting radionuclides are produced in a cyclotron and have very short half lives and large positron energies. The most commonly used radionuclide is 18F because its relatively long half-life of nearly 110 minutes and its small photonic energy of 0.64 MeV allow greater ease of use and improved resolution, respectively. Glucose is the most commonly used biologic agent because of its relatively ubiquitous use as a form of energy throughout the body. Glucose is labeled with 18F to create the glucose analog 2-deoxy-2-[18F] fluoro-D-glucose (18F-FDG), which is the most widely used radionuclide in oncology because cancer cells have greater metabolic activity compared with most normal cells and exclusively use glucose as a source of energy.
The radionuclides used in PET emit a positively charged electron (positron) as they decay. These positrons are annihilated after encountering an electron and produce a pair of 511-MeV photons that travel in opposite directions, which are then detected by the PET scanner.
Cancer cells are capable of greater intracellular uptake of FDG because of increased glucose transporters on the cell membrane. The glucose is then converted to FDG-6-phosphate, which cannot be further metabolized and remains trapped in the cell. Because of greater accumulation in cancer cells, more positron emission events occur in the tumor compared with surrounding normal tissue. As hundreds of thousands of coincidence events occur, they can be statistically traced back to their origin, allowing spatial localization.
Due to the relatively poor spatial resolution of PET, disease localization often can prove difficult. To circumvent this problem, CT is combined with PET to provide spatially matched morphologic and functional data. PET and CT images can be integrated using three different techniques (Table 1). Although there are advantages and disadvantages to each technique, the integrated PET/CT study using a single machine provides the best coregistration of physiologic and anatomic detail [2]. In the integrated machine, both a diagnostic CT scan and a low-dose transmission scan are obtained. The diagnostic CT scan, often obtained with the administration of contrast material, provides excellent anatomic data.
TABLE 1: Comparison of Different Methods of PET/CT [1, 2, 12, 13]
Method of IntegrationTechniqueAdvantagesDisadvantages
Visual comparison of individual studiesPET and CT are performed at separate times and compared side by sideMost accessibleMisregistration artifacts from differences in patient positioning and lack of fusion lead to decreased accuracy
  Least expensive because additional computer software is not requiredRequires two separate appointments for patient
   Longer imaging time compared with integrated PET/CT by 40% because both pre- and postinjection transmission scans needed for attenuation correction
Computerized fusion of individual studiesPET and CT are performed at separate times. Individual scans are fused using software-based algorithms, which creates 2D and 3D fusion imagesFusion provides improved anatomic registration compared with visual method and improved accuracyMisregistration artifacts greater than integrated PET/CT because of differences in patient position between examinations
  No proven difference in overall accuracy between computerized fusion and integrated methodsRequires two separate appointments for patient
  More accessible and less expensive than integrated PET/CT scannerLonger imaging time by 40% compared with integrated PET/CT because both pre- and postinjection transmission scans needed for attenuation correction
   More expensive than visual method
Integrated PET/CT scannerLow-dose CT obtained at quiet respiration for attenuation correction and more exact registration, diagnostic CT scan, attenuation correction and non–attenuation correction PET scans are all obtained in a single examination. Fusion obtained using external software, which creates 2D and 3D fusion imagesBest anatomic registration because both attenuation correction CT and PET are obtained at quiet respirationMost expensive
  Using CT for attenuation correction decreases PET scan time by 40%Least accessible

Only a single patient appointment is needed
Although anatomic registration is the most exact, there are no studies that prove accuracy is improved compared with fusion method
By creating an attenuation correction map, the transmission CT allows for a reduction in attenuation correction artifacts. These artifacts occur because of the greater attenuation of photons originating deeper within the body or within or adjacent to dense structures, such as bone, compared with those originating from the surface of the body or within or adjacent to less dense structures. The use of the transmission CT for attenuation correction also significantly reduces the PET scanning time by up to 40% compared with a stand-alone PET scanner [3]. Both the diagnostic CT and the transmission CT can be fused with the PET images. Although the anatomic detail is superior in the diagnostic CT scan, the transmission CT scan provides more precise coregistration because both it and the PET are obtained during quiet respiration [4].
The amount of FDG uptake in any region can be visually assessed or quantified by using methods such as the standardized uptake value (SUV). For visual assessment, the up-take in a certain region is subjectively compared with the surrounding background activity. This is often site specific. For instance, uptake in the lung is much less than in the mediastinum. The SUV is a unitless ratio that compares the amount of uptake in a tissue per unit of volume and divides it by a normalizing factor. An SUV of 2.5 is sometimes used to differentiate benign from malignant disease. Although this method is sensitive, it has a very low negative predictive value and should not be the only method used in the decision-making process [5].

T Designation

PET/CT is the preferred noninvasive method for staging NSCLC. TNM staging [6] plays an important part in determining treatment strategy, which includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. These strategies can be used alone, concurrently, or in an adjuvant or neoadjuvant setting (Table 2).
TABLE 2: TNM Staging System in Upcoming Seventh Edition of TNM Classification of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer [ 6 ]
TNM StageDescription
Primary tumor (T stage) 
   T1aNodule ≤ 2 cm completely surrounded by lung or visceral pleura
   T1bNodule > 2 and ≤ 3 cm completely surrounded by lung or visceral pleura
   T2aTumor > 3 cm but ≤ 5 cm surrounded by lung or tumor ≤ 5 cm that invades visceral pleura, involves main bronchus > 2 cm from carina without collapse of entire lung, or causes atelectasis or postobstructive pneumonia not involving entire lung
   T2bTumor > 5 cm but ≤ 7 cm surrounded by lung, invades visceral pleura, involves main bronchus > 2 cm from carina without collapse of entire lung, or causes atelectasis or postobstructive pneumonia not involving entire lung
   T3Any tumor > 7 cm in diameter; tumor in mainstem bronchus < 2 cm from the carina but not involving the carina; tumor of any size that causes atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis of an entire lung; tumor with a satellite nodule in the same lobe; or any tumor that invades the chest wall, diaphragm, phrenic nerve, mediastinal pleura, or parietal pericardium
   T4Tumor that invades the mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerve, carina, or vertebral body; tumor nodule(s) in ipsilateral lung, but not same lobe as primary tumor
Regional lymph nodes (N stage) 
   N0No lymph node metastases
   N1Ipsilateral peribronchial, hilar, and/or intrapulmonary lymphadenopathy (including involvement by direct extension)
   N2Ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymphadenopathy
   N3Contralateral mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene and/or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
Metastases (M stage) 
   M0No metastases
   M1aMalignant pleural or pericardial disease, contralateral pulmonary nodule(s)
Distant metastases
Determination of the tumor (T) designation is based on the size of the tumor, involvement of contiguous structures, and the presence or absence of satellite nodules (Table 2). T1–T3 tumors are potentially resectable, whereas many T4 tumors are considered inoperable.
PET/CT more accurately determines the T designation compared with either CT or PET alone. In one meta-analysis, PET/CT accurately predicted the T stage in patients with NSCLC in 82% of cases compared with 55% and 68% with PET alone and CT alone, respectively [7]. One of the advantages of PET/CT is in differentiating central tumors from postobstructive atelectasis because the tumor will often have increased FDG uptake compared with an atelectatic lung [8] (Figs. 1A and 1B). PET/CT also improves detection of subtle areas of invasion that may be occult on CT alone [9] (Figs. 2A and 2B). Although PET/CT is an excellent noninvasive method for determining the degree of tumor invasion, pathologic staging through surgical intervention remains the gold standard.

N Designation

In CT, morphologic characteristics, such as size, are used to predict pathology. A lymph node with a short-axis diameter greater than 1 cm is considered enlarged and a predictor for metastasis. However, this method has proven inaccurate. In one study, 44% of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with NSCLC measured less than 1 cm, and 77% of patients without metastatic lymph nodes had a lymph node measuring greater than 1 cm in the short-axis diameter [10].
PET is more accurate in detecting lymph node metastases compared with CT alone [11]. However, its poor spatial detail can lead to inaccuracies, particularly in areas of normal physiologic uptake (Table 3). In a study by Cerfolio et al. [12], the accuracy of lymph node staging by PET and PET/CT was 56% and 78%, respectively, when compared with mediastinoscopy or surgical staging. By integrating functional and anatomic data, PET/CT is the best noninvasive method for the detection of nodal metastasis [13] (Figs. 3A and 3B), although mediastinoscopy remains the gold standard [14].
TABLE 3: Potential Pitfalls in the Staging of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer by PET/CT [4, 7, 14, 20, 21]
PitfallT DesignationN DesignationM Designation
False-positive resultsFoci of infection: focal, diffuseReactive lymph nodes in the thorax due to infection or inflammatory conditions may be indistinguishable from metastatic nodesReactive lymph nodes in the neck, abdomen, or pelvis due to inflammation or infection
 Lung inflammation: sarcoidosis, interstitial lung disease, postsurgical changes, postradiation changes, rheumatoid nodules, Wegener's granulomatosisNormal physiologic uptake in mediastinal structures such as the heart, vasculature, thymus, thyroid, and brown fat can be misinterpreted as metastatic nodesNormal physiologic uptake in liver, urinary tract, colon, vocal cords, and brain can be interpreted as metastases
 Misregistration of PET and CT data during fusionMisregistrationFoci of infection or inflammation throughout the neck, pleura, abdomen, or pelvis
 Attenuation artifactAttenuation artifactMisregistration
   Attenuation artifact; recent trauma or postsurgical changes
False-negative resultsLow metabolic activity of some tumors: bronchioloalveolar cell, carcinoidNormal physiologic uptake in mediastinum may mask pathologic uptakeNormal physiologic uptake in the brain, liver, colon, and urinary tract can mask metastases
 Spatial resolution of PET limits ability to accurately detect nodules < 1 cm in sizeSpatial resolution of PET limits ability to accurately detect nodes < 1 cm in sizeSpatial resolution of PET limits ability to accurately detect metastases < 1 cm in size

Hperglycemia leads to decreased 18F-FDG uptake in both normal and abnormal cells

M Designation

NSCLC can metastasize to nearly any organ in the human body, but it most commonly spreads to the brain, liver, adrenal glands, bone, and lung. On initial staging, CT alone can show definitive evidence of metastatic disease in 11–36% of patients [15]. However, the addition of PET reveals occult distant metastases in 5–29% of patients [16]. Nonetheless, the lack of spatial localization can once again lead to errors. By fusing the two datasets together, PET/CT provides an improved method to accurately evaluate for local and distant metastatic disease [1].
Findings such as a small second lung nodule, small adrenal nodule, or subtle bony abnormality are encountered in many patients undergoing cross-sectional imaging. Increased FDG uptake in an adrenal nodule has high specificity and sensitivity in predicting malignancy [17] (Figs. 4A, 4B, and 4C). Similarly, increased uptake in osseous structures can be seen with subtle or no CT abnormality and can suggest metastases [18] (Figs. 5A, 5B, and 5C).
In the newly adopted 7th edition of the TNM classification for lung cancer, NSCLC metastatic disease is divided into local (M1a) and distant (M1b) spread [6] (Table 2). Although the presence of pleural or pericardial nodules on CT can confirm the diagnosis of M1a disease, these findings are often absent. PET can often suggest the diagnosis of malignant pleural disease by showing increased diffuse or focal FDG uptake, but localization to the pleura or pericardium is not always clear (Figs. 6A, 6B, and 6C). Statistically, PET/CT has proven to be superior to either technique in evaluation for metastatic pleural disease [19].
Additional lung nodules are a common finding on PET/CT. Although increased uptake localizing to a contralateral lung nodule can narrow the differential diagnosis, a second biopsy may be necessary to differentiate among a metastatic nodule, a second primary lung cancer, and a chronic inflammatory or infectious nodule.


Although PET/CT is the best tool to date for the noninvasive imaging of NSCLC, numerous pitfalls exist. Imprecise physiologic and anatomic registration, most common adjacent to the diaphragm and heart, can lead to misregistration artifact [4] (Figs. 7A, 7B, and 7C). Metallic objects within the body, such as stents, can cause increased FDG uptake in adjacent tissue because of attenuation-related artifacts, potentially causing false-positive results [7]. Increased FDG uptake is not limited to cancer cells. Many processes with increased metabolic activity, such as infection and inflammation, show increased uptake on PET [14] (Figs. 8A, 8B, and 8C). Similarly, normal physiologic uptake in the brain, brown fat, myocardium, vasculature, liver, and bowel can often mask or be misinterpreted as pathology [20] (Figs. 6A, 6B, 6C, 9A, 9B, and 9C). Although subcentimeter nodules and lymph nodes can show increased FDG uptake, the accuracy of PET is reduced when lesions measure less than 1 cm [21] (Figs. 10A and 10B). It is important to know of these potential pitfalls so errors in staging can be avoided (Table 3).


The accurate staging of NSCLC is an important factor in determining optimal patient treatment. Although various imaging methods can be used for staging, PET/CT has proven to be the best through the integration of both anatomic and physiologic data.
Fig. 1A Staging PET/CT in 53-year-old man with chronic left lower lobe collapse from endobronchial squamous cell carcinoma. Sagittal contrast-enhanced CT image obtained just lateral to left hilum shows masslike soft tissue that is nearly impossible to separate from distal atelectatic lung.
Fig. 1B Staging PET/CT in 53-year-old man with chronic left lower lobe collapse from endobronchial squamous cell carcinoma. Sagittal fused PET/CT image obtained at same level as A shows intense uptake in left hilum corresponding to 5.2-cm mass. More moderate uptake inferiorly represents tumor infiltration. More distal atelectatic lung was not invaded with tumor and shows no increased 18F-FDG uptake. Although not always accurate, PET/CT is excellent method to differentiate tumor from surrounding collapsed lung when compared with CT or PET alone.
Fig. 2A 74-year-old man who underwent staging PET/CT for poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Unenhanced coronal CT scan shows large right upper lobe mass that is contiguous with pleura with irregularity of extrapleural fat. Appearance is suspicious for chest wall involvement but not diagnostic.
Fig. 2B 74-year-old man who underwent staging PET/CT for poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Fused coronal PET/CT at same level as A shows mild increased uptake in overlying pleural fat (arrow). Given excellent degree of PET/CT fusion on this study, chest wall invasion was suggested and confirmed at surgery. Differentiating visceral pleural invasion (stage T2) from parietal pleural or chest wall invasion (stage T3) is important because it leads to differences in overall staging and potential surgical approach.
Fig. 3A Staging PET/CT in 74-year-old woman with 2.6-cm left lower lobe squamous cell carcinoma (not shown). Diagnostic axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows multiple small subcentimeter lymph nodes scattered throughout mediastinum, primarily in lower left paratracheal region.
Fig. 3B Staging PET/CT in 74-year-old woman with 2.6-cm left lower lobe squamous cell carcinoma (not shown). Fused axial PET/CT image shows uptake in lower left paratracheal lymph nodes and 3-mm lower right paratracheal lymph node with metastatic involvement, which was confirmed at mediastinoscopy. Given presence of contralateral lymph node metastases, patient received chemotherapy and radiation instead of surgical resection.
Fig. 4A 68-year-old man with 4.3-cm left upper lobe adenocarcinoma undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Axial PET scan at level of right adrenal gland shows normal physiologic uptake in liver and superior aspect of right intrarenal collecting system (arrow). No uptake can be localized to right adrenal gland.
Fig. 4B 68-year-old man with 4.3-cm left upper lobe adenocarcinoma undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Fused axial PET/CT scan obtained at same level as A shows mild uptake (arrow) in right adrenal gland localized to area of nodular thickening, which was masked by normal physiologic hepatic uptake. Subsequent biopsy was performed that confirmed distant metastatic disease (M1b).
Fig. 4C 68-year-old man with 4.3-cm left upper lobe adenocarcinoma undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained 3 months later shows enlargement of adrenal nodule consistent with progression of metastasis.
Fig. 5A 63-year-old man with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma. Diagnostic axial CT scan from PET/CT examination shows no appreciable abnormality.
Fig. 5B 63-year-old man with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma. Fused axial PET/CT image obtained at same level as A shows intense uptake in lamina and spinous process of T1 vertebral body, raising concern of metastatic disease.
Fig. 5C 63-year-old man with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma. Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR image of thoracic spine obtained 1 week after A and B shows enhancement of vertebral body consistent with metastatic disease. PET/CT discovers occult metastatic disease in up to 29% of patients.
Fig. 6A Staging PET/CT in 57-year-old man with 5.3-cm left hilar squamous cell carcinoma (not shown). Sagittal PET image shows what appears to be normal physiologic myocardial uptake.
Fig. 6B Staging PET/CT in 57-year-old man with 5.3-cm left hilar squamous cell carcinoma (not shown). Sagittal contrast-enhanced CT image obtained at same level as A shows pericardial thickening without definite nodularity or mass.
Fig. 6C Staging PET/CT in 57-year-old man with 5.3-cm left hilar squamous cell carcinoma (not shown). Fused sagittal PET/CT image clearly shows that increased 18F-FDG uptake corresponds to thickened pericardium seen on CT and not myocardium. Subsequent pericardiocentesis confirmed metastatic infiltration of pericardium. Pericardial or pleural metastatic disease is now defined as local metastatic disease (M1a), which prevented unnecessary surgical intervention in this case.
Fig. 7A 72-year-old man with newly diagnosed 4.5-cm squamous cell carcinoma in right upper lobe undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Fused coronal image using diagnostic CT scan shows focus of intense uptake in right lower lobe. Notice rim of uptake in lung superior in relation to diaphragm from normal physiologic hepatic uptake secondary to misregistration artifact (arrow).
Fig. 7B 72-year-old man with newly diagnosed 4.5-cm squamous cell carcinoma in right upper lobe undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Fused coronal PET/CT image obtained at same level as A using transmission CT scan for more precise registration still localizes focus of uptake to right lower lobe. However, CT scan showed no abnormality in right lower lobe.
Fig. 7C 72-year-old man with newly diagnosed 4.5-cm squamous cell carcinoma in right upper lobe undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Axial CT image obtained in liver windows shows small 1.5-cm hypodense lesion at liver dome, which was thought to be cause of increased 18F-FDG uptake in localizing to lung. Subsequent liver MRI (not shown) confirmed metastatic disease. Misregistration artifact, which is most common adjacent to diaphragm and heart, occurs when there is imprecise fusion of anatomic CT data and physiologic PET data.
Fig. 8A Initial staging PET/CT for 56-year-old man with 1.8-cm adenocarcinoma in right upper lobe and long history of sarcoidosis. Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows 1.8-cm right upper lobe nodule with extensive mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy.
Fig. 8B Initial staging PET/CT for 56-year-old man with 1.8-cm adenocarcinoma in right upper lobe and long history of sarcoidosis. Corresponding axial PET image shows intense uptake in nodule and in enlarged lymph nodes.
Fig. 8C Initial staging PET/CT for 56-year-old man with 1.8-cm adenocarcinoma in right upper lobe and long history of sarcoidosis. Fused axial PET/CT image confirms intense uptake in right upper lobe nodule and lymph nodes. Lymph node biopsies performed during mediastinoscopy showed only granulomatous inflammation from sarcoidosis and no evidence of tumor. Given this finding, patient was sent for curative resection. Reactive lymphadenopathy from infection or inflammatory conditions will also show increased 18F-FDG uptake.
Fig. 9A 38-year-old woman with 2.6-cm lung adenocarcinoma undergoing staging PET/CT. Coronal PET image shows diffuse intense uptake throughout mediastinum and neck.
Fig. 9B 38-year-old woman with 2.6-cm lung adenocarcinoma undergoing staging PET/CT. Fused axial CT image through thoracic inlet shows that intense uptake throughout soft tissues of thoracic inlet is primarily localized to adipose tissue, consistent with brown fat.
Fig. 9C 38-year-old woman with 2.6-cm lung adenocarcinoma undergoing staging PET/CT. Axial CT image through same level as B shows three rounded 8-mm lymph nodes in supraclavicular region (arrows), which are masked by intense uptake from brown fat. Biopsy of these nodes confirmed metastatic disease. Brown fat is one of many metabolically active processes in body that can mask or be mistaken for pathology.
Fig. 10A 53-year-old woman with 4.6-cm right lower lobe adenocarcinoma undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Diagnostic axial CT shows 4.6-cm right lower lobe mass with tenting of overlying pleura. In addition, there is smaller 6-mm nodule in left lower lobe.
Fig. 10B 53-year-old woman with 4.6-cm right lower lobe adenocarcinoma undergoing initial staging with PET/CT. Fused axial PET/CT image obtained at same level as A shows increased 18F-FDG uptake in mass but no uptake in small 6-mm nodule. Subsequent surgical resection of small nodule confirmed metastatic disease. Although PET/CT is excellent tool for staging of non–small cell lung cancer, its accuracy decreases when nodules or nodes measure less than 1 cm.


Address correspondence to S. Digumarthy ([email protected]).
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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 1203 - 1211
PubMed: 19843732


Submitted: June 17, 2009
Accepted: June 18, 2009
First published: November 23, 2012


  1. non–small cell lung cancer
  2. PET/CT



Seth Kligerman
Both authors: Department of Thoracic Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St., Founders 202, Boston, MA 02111.
Subba Digumarthy
Both authors: Department of Thoracic Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit St., Founders 202, Boston, MA 02111.

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