Clinical Perspective
FOCUS ON: Musculoskeletal Imaging
July 25, 2013

Elbow Injuries at the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games: Demographics and Pictorial Imaging Review


OBJECTIVE. Elbow injuries in Olympic sports and their imaging findings have not been described previously. The main objective of this article is to analyze the demographic data on imaging of elbow injuries at the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games and to review the spectrum of imaging findings.
CONCLUSION. Elbow injuries were seen in a wide variety of sports. Judo and weightlifting contributed nearly half of all injuries, with only a surprisingly small number of injuries seen in throwing athletes. Knowledge of elbow anatomy coupled with awareness of types of elbow injuries and their prevalence in various sports will contribute toward improving diagnostic accuracy, handling of workload, and overall provision of services at similar major international sporting events in the future.
Radiology services at the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games were offered as part of polyclinic medical services. A total of 1711 radiological investigations were performed within the main Olympic Village polyclinic, of which nearly 50% were MRI scans. This is by far the highest number of radiologic investigations performed at an Olympic Games. A significant number of acute elbow injuries were seen during the games. Published research has described elbow injuries in throwing athletes, particularly baseball players. Currently, there is no series examining acute elbow injuries in Olympic sports [16]. We present the demographic data and imaging findings in both throwing and nonthrowing athletes who sustained acute elbow injuries at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

Anatomy and Functional Biomechanics of the Elbow Joint Ligaments

Knowledge of elbow ligament anatomy and its functional biomechanics is key to understanding the pattern of elbow injuries in various sports disciplines and in aiding accurate interpretation of imaging findings (Fig. 1). Medial and lateral ligamentous complexes offer primary stability to the elbow joint against valgus and varus strain, respectively. Medially, the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is composed of anterior bundle, posterior bundle, and transverse fibers [711]. The anterior bundle is the strongest component of the UCL and predominantly resists the valgus torque to the elbow [7, 8, 1216]. The anterior bundle can be subdivided into anterior and posterior bands, both of which arise from the medial epicondyle and commonly insert into the sublime tubercle situated along the medial aspect of the base of the coronoid process of the ulna [8, 12, 1720].
Fig. 1A —32-year-old man with normal anatomy of elbow ligaments, cubital tunnel, and nerves crossing elbow joint.
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows normal anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) (black arrow). Proximally, UCL attaches to anterior and inferior surface of medial epicondyle (arrowhead) and distally to sublime tubercle (long white arrow). Common flexor tendon attaches to medial epicondyle of humerus (short white arrow), just superficial to anterior bundle of UCL.
Fig. 1B —32-year-old man with normal anatomy of elbow ligaments, cubital tunnel, and nerves crossing elbow joint.
B, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows radial collateral ligament (short arrows). Radial collateral ligament attaches proximally to lateral epicondyle and inferiorly merges with annular ligament, which surrounds radial head. Common extensor tendon attaches to lateral epicondyle (long arrow), superficial to radial collateral ligament.
Fig. 1C —32-year-old man with normal anatomy of elbow ligaments, cubital tunnel, and nerves crossing elbow joint.
C, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows normal lateral UCL (LUCL), which is attached proximally to lateral epicondyle (long arrow) and fans distally (short arrows) and attaches to supinator crest of ulna. LUCL is located posteriorly in relation to radial collateral ligament.
Fig. 1D —32-year-old man with normal anatomy of elbow ligaments, cubital tunnel, and nerves crossing elbow joint.
D, Axial T1-weighted MRI shows anatomy of cubital tunnel and nerves crossing elbow. Floor of cubital tunnel is formed by posterior bundle of UCL (solid black arrow) and roof by Osborne ligament (arrowhead). Ulnar nerve traverses cubital tunnel (open black arrow). Anteriorly, median nerve (long white arrow) lies posterior to brachial artery. Superficial and deep branches of radial nerve (short white arrows) lie deep to brachioradialis muscle.
The anterior band of the UCL is the primary soft-tissue restraint against valgus stress at 60° and 90° and the primary corestraint at 120° flexion. As a result, injuries of the anterior band are more common between full extension to 90° flexion, and the incidence of posterior band injury increases with valgus strain in a greater degree of elbow flexion [8]. The posterior bundle of the UCL is anatomically smaller and functionally weaker and forms the floor of the cubital tunnel, deep to the ulnar nerve. The horizontally oriented fibers of the transverse bundle run along the medial joint line, between the coronoid and the olecranon processes of ulna, and functionally are the least significant component of the medial ligaments complex [7, 8, 11, 17, 21]. The lateral collateral ligamentous complex comprises the radial collateral ligament, lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL), and annular ligament. In combination, the lateral collateral ligaments form the primary stabilizers of the elbow against varus stress. In addition, the annular ligament also contributes to rotational stability of the proximal radioulnar joint (PRUJ). Within the lateral compartment, the LUCL arises proximally from the lateral epicondyle and attaches distally to the supinator crest of ulna and functionally serves as the main stabilizer of the elbow against varus stress, akin to the anterior band of the UCL medially [1, 17].
UCL tears can be classified into proximal or humeral attachment tears, midsubstance tears, and distal or ulnar attachment tears. Most full-thickness tears are midsubstance tears, followed by distal and then proximal tears in order of frequency [13, 17]. Tears of the anterior bundle can be associated with bony avulsions of the medial epicondyle or the sublime tubercle. High-grade tears involving the lateral ligaments, particularly the LUCL, can result in chronic posterolateral rotatory instability [22]. Lateral ligament injury resulting from traumatic dislocation can be followed sequentially by injury to the medial ligaments in a circular fashion [23, 24].

Materials and Methods

At the London 2012 Summer Olympics, 10,568 athletes from 204 countries competed in 26 sports and 39 disciplines. Imaging facilities at the main polyclinic within the Stratford games village included a digital x-ray system for radiography, two ultrasound scanners (Logiq E9, GE Healthcare), a 64-MDCT scanner (Discovery CT750, GE Healthcare, and 3- and 1.5-T wide-bore MRI scanners (Discovery MR740w and Optima MR 450w, GE Healthcare). An integrated radiology information system–PACS and digital voice recognition system facilitated viewing images and issuing reports. Diagnostic investigations were reported and ultrasounds were performed by 27 experienced consultant musculoskeletal radiologists with at least 8 years of working experience in musculoskeletal radiology, operating on a shift system. The demographic data and imaging were initially analyzed by an imaging fellow at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Subsequently, all elbow images showing positive findings were reviewed independently by two senior fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologists. Discrepancies were resolved through consensus following discussion. Imaging findings for in-competition injuries were correlated with British Broadcasting Corporation London 2012 Summer Olympic Games videos in conjunction with the International Olympic Committee, where available.
Elbow ligament injuries seen on ultrasound and MRI at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games were broadly categorized into pure UCL and combination injuries that involved the UCL, radial collateral ligament, and LUCL. According to the anatomic location, UCL tears were classified as humeral attachment, ulnar attachment, and midsubstance tears. Humeral attachment tears were further categorized into undersurface tears, which included pure ligamentous injuries to the humeral attachment and avulsion bony injuries. Grade II and III ligament injuries, according to the American Medical Association classification [25], were referred to as high-grade ligament injuries. Avulsion ligament injuries were also regarded as high-grade injuries for the purpose of the study, because functionally these behave as grade III ligament injuries. O'Donghue type II and III muscle injuries were called high-grade muscle tears, and type I muscle injuries were referred to as low-grade tears [26].


Acute elbow injuries were seen in a wide variety of sports disciplines. MRI was the most commonly used imaging tool for investigating elbow ligament injuries during the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

Demographics of Elbow Injuries at the London 2012 Olympics

Thirty-six diagnostic radiologic investigations were performed on 30 elbows in 28 athletes at the Stratford polyclinic during the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. This included 26 MRI scans, nine ultrasound scans, and one CT scan. Two athletes underwent MRI of both elbows. Twenty-four of the 26 MRIs performed were completed studies of diagnostic quality (two examinations were nondiagnostic because of metal artifact and another because of patient's movement). Of these examinations, 22 were abnormal scans showing at least one pathologic abnormality. Eight of nine ultrasounds were abnormal and the lone CT examination confirmed an avulsion fracture, as suspected on MRI. Of the 28 athletes, 15 were male and the rest female. The mean age of the athletes scanned was 25 years (SD, 5.2 years).
The sporting categories presented included a mixture of contact and noncontact sports. Judo and weightlifting were the two largest sporting groups scanned. The distribution of elbow imaging performed on athletes, according to the sports category, is detailed in Figure 2. Twenty-eight of the 30 elbows scanned in the athletes' category were for sports-related injuries, whereas two of the scans were for acute nonsporting trauma.
Fig. 2 —Number of athletes who underwent elbow imaging, by sports category. Two athletes from shooting and swimming disciplines were scanned for nonsporting trauma and are not included in histogram.

Ligament Injuries

Fifteen of the 28 elbows scanned for acute sports injuries at the games had high-grade ligament injuries. A significant finding from the study was that 12 of the 15 ligament injuries occurred in contact sports and weightlifting. The remaining three injuries were seen in throwing athletes, two of whom were javelin throwers and one of whom was a volleyball player (Table 1).
TABLE 1: Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries, by Sport
SportType of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury
Humeral Attachment TearsUlnar Attachment TearsMidsubstance Tears
Javelin throw200
Although pure isolated UCL injuries were the most commonly seen ligament tears, accounting for 12 of the 15 ligament injuries, combination injuries involving UCL and lateral ligaments were encountered in relatively small numbers, accounting for the rest. Injuries to the lateral ligaments were not seen in isolation (Table 2).
TABLE 2: Ligament Injuries in Sports-Related Trauma
SportNo. of Elbows ScannedNo. of Elbows With Acute Ligaments InjuryLigament Involved
Isolated UCL InjuriesCombination Ligament Injuries (UCL, Radial Collateral Ligament, LUCL)
Javelin throw2220
Track and Field1000
Table tennis1000
Water polo1000

Note—Two of the elbows scanned were for nonsporting trauma and are not included in the table. LUCL = lateral ulnar collateral ligament, UCL = ulnar collateral ligament.

Ten of the 15 isolated and combination UCL tears involved the humeral attachment of the ligaments. Of these, seven were under-surface tears (Fig. 3) and the rest were avulsion injuries (Fig. 4). Tears involving ulnar attachment of the UCL were seen only in judo and occurred as isolated UCL injuries (Table 1 and Fig. 5). Eight of the 15 UCL tears involved both anterior and posterior bundles (Fig. 3), and the rest were pure anterior bundle tears. Isolated posterior bundle tears, which are uncommon, were not seen. Nearly all UCL tears (93%) were high-grade injuries. Only two partial tears involving the anterior bundle of the UCL were seen. Tears with no surrounding edema represent chronic, rather than acute, injuries (Fig. 6). A case of acute tear of the anterior bundle, with marked thickening of the posterior bundle UCL suggestive of acute and chronic tear, was also seen (Fig. 7).
Fig. 3A —30-year-old male judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 1).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows full-thickness tear (white arrow) of proximal humeral attachment of anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and edema (black arrow) within surrounding muscle fibers.
Fig. 3B —30-year-old male judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 1).
B, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows UCL posterior bundle disruption (long white arrow), with fluid surrounding ulnar nerve (short white arrow). However, ulnar nerve was contiguous on sequential images, with no transection. High-grade tear of flexor carpi ulnaris (black arrow) also was seen.
Fig. 3C —30-year-old male judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 1).
C, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows high-grade tear of flexor digitorum superficialis (long arrow) and fluid surrounding median nerve (short arrow).
Fig. 4A —30-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 2).
A, Longitudinal sonogram image of medial compartment of elbow shows bony avulsion of proximal humeral attachment of common flexor tendon (black arrow). Note that avulsed bone fragment casts posterior acoustic shadowing (short white arrows) and results in cortical irregularity at medial epicondyle of humerus (long white arrow), corresponding to site of avulsion.
Fig. 4B —30-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 2).
B, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI confirms sonogram findings of bony avulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus involving both anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and more superficial common flexor tendon (long white arrow). Note cortical irregularity of medial epicondyle (short white arrow), from where UCL and common flexors have been avulsed and high-grade tear of medial muscular compartment (black arrow).
Fig. 4C —30-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 2).
C, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows full-thickness tear (arrow) involving radial collateral ligament humeral attachment. Torn ligament is seen as wavy band within lateral joint recess.
Fig. 4D —30-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 2).
D, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows lateral UCL humeral attachment tear (white arrow). High-grade tears (black arrows) involving medial supporting ligaments, tendons, and muscles are shown.
Fig. 4E —30-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 2).
E, Sagittal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows minimally displaced olecranon process fracture (arrow).
Fig. 5A —23-year-old male judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 3).
A, Sequential coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI examinations show ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) anterior bundle tear of distal attachment (long white arrows, A and B) and common flexor tendon tear (short white arrows, A and B). Note edema and high-grade tear of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (black arrow, A).
Fig. 5B —23-year-old male judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 3).
B, Sequential coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI examinations show ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) anterior bundle tear of distal attachment (long white arrows, A and B) and common flexor tendon tear (short white arrows, A and B). Note edema and high-grade tear of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (black arrow, A).
Fig. 5C —23-year-old male judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 3).
C, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows tear of UCL posterior bundle (long arrow) and ulnar nerve displacement caused by Osborne ligament rupture (short arrow) that normally forms cubital tunnel roof.
Fig. 6A —20-year-old male weightlifter with flare-up of chronic elbow pain (case 4).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI (A) and coronal proton density–weighted non–fat-saturated MRI (B) show anterior bundle ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) midsubstance tear (arrows). Absence of significant edema within disrupted fibers and adjacent soft tissue suggests that tear is chronic.
Fig. 6B —20-year-old male weightlifter with flare-up of chronic elbow pain (case 4).
B, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI (A) and coronal proton density–weighted non–fat-saturated MRI (B) show anterior bundle ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) midsubstance tear (arrows). Absence of significant edema within disrupted fibers and adjacent soft tissue suggests that tear is chronic.
Fig. 7A —24-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 5).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows anterior bundle ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) partial tear (white arrow) and flexor digitorum superficialis edema (black arrow), secondary to acute valgus injury.
Fig. 7B —24-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 5).
B, Sequential coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows marked thickening of posterior band of anterior UCL (arrow), which suggests scarring from previous tears.
Three combination ligament injuries, one each in weightlifting, judo, and boxing sports, were also seen. All three cases occurred during competition, and videos depicting the mechanism of injury were analyzed. The mechanism of injury in the weightlifter was frank elbow dislocation-relocation caused by extreme valgus and hyperextension on the elbow during the overhead lift (Fig. 8). Elbow injury in the judo athlete followed extreme valgus and hyperextension injury to the restrained elbow resulting from arm lock by the opponent (Fig. 4), whereas direct contact trauma during the bout accounted for the boxing injury (Fig. 9). Bony injuries resulting from posterior joint impaction in both judo and boxing athletes with combination ligament injury suggest that frank dislocation or rotatory subluxation could have occurred at the actual time of injury, although this is extremely difficult to ascertain on the video analysis, given that the combat nature of sport limits close-up analysis.
Fig. 8A —27-year-old male weightlifter with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow during overhead lift (case 6).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows complete tear of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) humeral attachment (white arrow).
Fig. 8B —27-year-old male weightlifter with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow during overhead lift (case 6).
B, Sequential coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows complete tears of UCL posterior band (long white arrow), common flexor tendon (black arrow) medially, and lateral UCL laterally (short white arrow). Note extensive edema and high-grade tears within medial and lateral muscular compartments.
Fig. 8C —27-year-old male weightlifter with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow during overhead lift (case 6).
C, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows radial collateral ligament tear (arrow).
Fig. 8D —27-year-old male weightlifter with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow during overhead lift (case 6).
D, Sagittal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows posterior capitellum impaction (white arrow) and anterior radial head fracture (black arrow).
Fig. 8E —27-year-old male weightlifter with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow during overhead lift (case 6).
E, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows small intraarticular loose body (arrow).
Fig. 8F —27-year-old male weightlifter with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow during overhead lift (case 6).
F, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows osseous defect (arrow) with surrounding edema involving posterior capitellum of distal humerus, which suggests potential donor site for intraarticular loose body.
Fig. 9A —22-year-old female boxer who sustained direct blow to elbow during bout (case 7).
A, Radiograph of elbow shows avulsion fracture (arrow) of lateral epicondyle.
Fig. 9B —22-year-old female boxer who sustained direct blow to elbow during bout (case 7).
B, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows radial collateral ligament avulsion (short solid arrow). Note edema of lateral epicondyle at site of avulsion (open arrow), complete tear of proximal ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), and superficial common flexor tendon (long solid arrow).
Fig. 9C —22-year-old female boxer who sustained direct blow to elbow during bout (case 7).
C, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows high-grade tear of lateral UCL (LUCL) humeral attachment (short arrow). Distal attachment of LUCL at supinator crest of ulna (arrowheads) is intact. Complete tear of UCL humeral attachment and common flexor attachment (long arrow) is seen.
Fig. 9D —22-year-old female boxer who sustained direct blow to elbow during bout (case 7).
D, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows avulsion fracture of lateral epicondyle (long arrow). Extensive high-grade muscle tear of anterior and medial muscular compartments (short arrow) is also shown.

Tendon Injuries

Tears of the common flexor and extensor tendons occurred in combination with ligamentous injuries. This occurs because common flexors and extensors act as secondary stabilizers of the elbow joint and are injured when the primary stabilizers fail. Once again, these injuries occurred primarily in combat sports, weightlifting, and overhead-throwing athletes (Table 3). Three combined common flexor and common extensor tendon tears were seen, two of which were sports related, seen in a weightlifter and a boxer, and one of which occurred in a nonsporting trauma (Figs. 810). The rest of the tendon injuries encountered were isolated common flexor tendon injuries. All cases of common flexor and tendon injuries were associated with high-grade ligament tears. These were the same athletes who had combination ligament injuries involving both medial and lateral ligaments, discussed in the section on ligament injuries. The judo athlete who had combination ligament injuries had osteitis of the lateral epicondyle at the site of common extensor origin and associated high-grade tears involving the lateral muscular compartment. This suggests a degree of strain on the tendon without progression to frank rupture.
TABLE 3: Common Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries, by Sports Category
SportNo. of Elbows With Tendon InjuriesInjured Tendon Groups
Common Flexors OriginCommon Extensors OriginBoth Common Flexors and Extensors Origins
Javelin throw1100

Note—Nonsporting trauma was not included.

Fig. 10A —21-year-old female athlete with elbow dislocation (nonsporting injury) (case 8).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows anterior bundle ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tear (black arrow). Bone bruising and marrow edema involving lateral capitellum and radial head (white arrows) are also shown.
Fig. 10B —21-year-old female athlete with elbow dislocation (nonsporting injury) (case 8).
B, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows radial collateral ligament tear (arrow).
Fig. 10C —21-year-old female athlete with elbow dislocation (nonsporting injury) (case 8).
C, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows annular ligament tear at its attachment to posterior sigmoid notch of ulna (white arrow). Medial muscular compartment tear (black arrow) is also shown.
Fig. 10D —21-year-old female athlete with elbow dislocation (nonsporting injury) (case 8).
D, Sagittal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows posterior capitellum impaction injury (short arrow) and anterior radial head fracture (long arrow), features in keeping with posterior dislocation-relocation mechanism of injury.
Fig. 10E —21-year-old female athlete with elbow dislocation (nonsporting injury) (case 8).
E, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows UCL tear (long arrow), lateral UCL tear (short arrow), and relative widening of lateral joint space (arrowheads).
Fig. 10F —21-year-old female athlete with elbow dislocation (nonsporting injury) (case 8).
F, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI again shows osseous defect of posterior capitellum (arrow) with surrounding bone marrow edema.

Muscle Injuries

High-grade muscle tears most commonly involved the medial muscular compartment. Unlike the ligament and tendon injuries, combination of more than one compartment was seen commonly. Most of the high-grade muscle tears were associated with underlying ligamentous injuries. Flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis were the most common muscles to show high-grade muscle tears. All combination ligament injuries had high-grade tears within the medial, lateral, and posterior muscular compartments (Tables 4 and 5).
TABLE 4: Muscle Injuries, by Sports Category
Sport, Nature, and Breakdown of Muscular Compartmental InjuriesNo. of Elbows With Tears
 High-grade tear of medial compartment2
 High-grade tears of medial and anterior compartments2
 High-grade tear of posterior and low-grade tear of lateral compartments1
 High-grade tears of medial, lateral, and posterior compartments2
 High-grade tear of anterior compartment1
Boxing, high-grade tear of medial, lateral, and posterior compartments1
Shooting, low-grade tear of medial compartment1
Wrestling, high-grade tear of medial compartment1
Javelin throw 
 High-grade tear of medial compartment1
 Low-grade tear of medial compartment1
Gymnastics, high-grade tear of medial compartment1
Volleyball, low-grade tear of medial compartment1
TABLE 5: Distribution of High-Grade Muscle Injuries Within Various Muscular Compartments of Forearm
Compartment, Muscle GroupNo. of Instances of Muscle Tear
 Flexor carpi ulnaris7
 Flexor digitorum superficialis7
 Flexor digitorum profundus3
 Pronator teres6
 Palmaris longus3
 Flexor carpi radialis3
 Distal biceps1
 Extensor carpi ulnaris2
 Extensor digitorum2
 Extensor carpi radialis longus1
 Extensor carpi radialis brevis1

Bony Injuries

Bony injuries were seen in all three cases of combination ligament injuries involving both medial and lateral ligaments. These included radial head fracture and osteochondral impaction injury of the capitellum (Fig. 8), fracture tip of olecranon process of ulna and avulsion of the humeral epicondyle (Fig. 4), and isolated bony avulsion of lateral epicondyle at the attachment of the radial collateral ligament (Fig. 9).
Bony injuries encountered in athletes who sustained isolated UCL injuries were avulsion injuries of the medial epicondyle involving the humeral attachments of UCL and common flexor tendon origins. These injuries were seen in a wrestler and a throwing athlete. High-grade valgus strain with UCL tears with varus impaction resulting in bone bruising and osteochondral injuries within the radiocapitellar joint, without lateral ligamentous complex injury, was seen in a weightlifter (Fig. 11). This is in contrast to the radiocapitellar impaction in frank elbow joint dislocation, where the anterior radial head was fractured, with high-grade injuries to both medial and lateral ligaments (Figs. 8 and 10). Significant bony injuries were seen in both cases of nonsporting trauma to elbow (Fig. 10).
Fig. 11A —23-year-old female weightlifting athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 9).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted MRI shows ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and common flexor tendon tear (long arrow) but intact lateral UCL and common extensor tendon (short arrow).
Fig. 11B —23-year-old female weightlifting athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 9).
B, Sagittal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows posterior capitellar impaction injury (short white arrow) and radial head edema (long white arrow) in keeping with valgus distraction and varus impaction. Note anterior joint effusion (black arrow).

Other Injuries

Significant trauma to the elbow often resulted in rupture of the roof of the cubital tunnel, formed by the Osborne ligament, with displacement of the ulnar nerve. Three such cases were observed; two of the patients were judo athletes and one was a weightlifter (Figs. 3, 5, and 8). All three of these cases were associated with high-grade tears to both anterior and posterior bundles of the UCL. Fluid surrounding the nerves, particularly the median and radial nerves and their branches (Figs. 3 and 12), was also seen. In the absence of associated neurologic signs and symptoms, these findings may not be of much clinical relevance and suggest hematoma surrounding the nerves, which usually gets absorbed in due course. No frank neuronal transection was seen during the games. Tendinopathy of the triceps, paratendinitis of the brachialis (Fig. 13), and isolated osteochondral injuries were among the other pathologic abnormalities that were encountered (Fig. 14).
Fig. 12A —24-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 10).
A, Coronal proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows anterior bundle ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) partial undersurface tear (arrow). Absence of edema suggests that this is chronic.
Fig. 12B —24-year-old female judo athlete with valgus stress and hyperextension injury of elbow (case 10).
B, Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows fluid surrounding posterior interosseous nerve (arrow), branch of radial nerve between supinator and brachioradialis muscles.
Fig. 13 —20-year-old female shooting athlete with acute and chronic elbow pain (case 11). Axial proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI shows edema surrounding brachialis tendon (arrow). This is chronic overuse injury resulting from repeated flexion of elbow during shooting.
Fig. 14A —27-year-old male handball athlete with acute and chronic elbow pain (case 12).
A, Coronal (A), sagittal (B), and axial (C) proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI examinations show osteochondral injury of capitellum (arrows). In contrast to posterior capitellar impaction resulting from acute dislocation, radial head shows no fracture or edema. Findings are in keeping with isolated chronic osteochondral injury. It is difficult to ascertain whether osteochondral injury is acute or chronic according to imaging alone.
Fig. 14B —27-year-old male handball athlete with acute and chronic elbow pain (case 12).
B, Coronal (A), sagittal (B), and axial (C) proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI examinations show osteochondral injury of capitellum (arrows). In contrast to posterior capitellar impaction resulting from acute dislocation, radial head shows no fracture or edema. Findings are in keeping with isolated chronic osteochondral injury. It is difficult to ascertain whether osteochondral injury is acute or chronic according to imaging alone.
Fig. 14C —27-year-old male handball athlete with acute and chronic elbow pain (case 12).
C, Coronal (A), sagittal (B), and axial (C) proton density–weighted fat-saturated MRI examinations show osteochondral injury of capitellum (arrows). In contrast to posterior capitellar impaction resulting from acute dislocation, radial head shows no fracture or edema. Findings are in keeping with isolated chronic osteochondral injury. It is difficult to ascertain whether osteochondral injury is acute or chronic according to imaging alone.


Elbow injuries in sports have been traditionally described in overhead-throwing athletes, particularly baseball players [16]. Our experience at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games suggests that significant ligament and tendon injuries to the elbow can occur frequently in nonthrowing athletes, particularly in judo and weightlifting. Most of the elbow injuries seen in these athletes were isolated high-grade UCL injuries, although combinations of medial and lateral ligament injuries can occur. Ulnar attachment tears were the next most common injuries, followed by midsubstance tears of the UCL. This trend differs from the existing literature, which suggests that midsubstance tears are the most common type of UCL injuries [17, 27].
Acute elbow injuries in judo occurred during classic arm lock maneuvers, causing severe valgus stress and resulting in significant injury to the medial compartment. Weightlifting was the second most common sports category, after judo, in which athletes presented with acute elbow injuries with significant ligament tears. The mechanism of injury in weightlifting is axial loading with valgus strain on the hyperextended elbow. These injuries commonly occurred during overhead lift maneuvers, where the elbow in pronation and hyperextension was subjected to axial loading. In extreme cases, this resulted in frank dislocation of the elbow.
The other category of sport that presented with severe ligamentous injury to the elbow was overhead javelin throwing. These injuries were sustained during the late cocking and acceleration phase of the throw, during which maximal tensile strength is exerted on the elbow [1, 6].


Elbow injuries in Olympic sports have not been reported previously. The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games provided us with a unique opportunity to study the spectrum of imaging findings in a variety of Olympic sports and to correlate them with the mechanism of injuries. Our experience of imaging at the Olympics shows that elbow injuries are not infrequent, with most occurring in power and combat sports, including judo, boxing, wrestling, and weightlifting.
Most of the injuries resulted from valgus strain with hyperextension of the elbow and usually presented as injuries to the medial joint supporting structures. Combinations of medial and lateral ligaments were seen in combat and power sports with high-energy acute trauma. Such injuries also resulted in tears to secondary stabilizers of the medial joint, including the common flexor tendons and medial muscular compartments.
In summary, imaging modalities, particularly MRI and ultrasound, were complementary and contributed substantially to the games' imaging program. We think that there remains scope for studying the biomechanics of elbow injuries in nonthrowing athletes, and international sporting events such as Summer Olympics provide an ideal platform for further studies.


S. Bethapudi, who was responsible for data collection and analysis at the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games, has received cofunding with Leeds Teaching Hospitals from GE Healthcare, a sponsor at the Olympic Games.


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 535 - 549
PubMed: 23883174


Submitted: March 12, 2013
Accepted: April 11, 2013
Published ahead of print: July 25, 2013
First published: August 23, 2013


  1. athletes
  2. elbow
  3. Olympics
  4. sports injuries
  5. ulnar collateral ligament



Sarath Bethapudi
Department of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Chapel Town Rd, Leeds LS7 4SA, United Kingdom.
Philip Robinson
Department of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Chapel Town Rd, Leeds LS7 4SA, United Kingdom.
Lars Engebretsen
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oslo University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Richard Budgett
International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Ivor S. Vanhegan
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, University College London Hospital NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom.
Philip O'Connor
Department of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Chapel Town Rd, Leeds LS7 4SA, United Kingdom.


Address correspondence to P. O'Connor (Philip.O'[email protected]).

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