Clinical Perspective
Neuroradiology/Head and Neck Imaging
March 9, 2022

Algorithmic Multimodality Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal CSF Leak and Venous Fistula in Patients With Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension


Please see the Editorial Comment by Lotfi Hacein-Bey discussing this article.
Please see the Author Video associated with this article.
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a disorder of CSF dynamics that causes a complex clinical syndrome and severe disability. SIH is challenging to diagnose because of the variability of its presenting clinical symptoms, the potential for subtle imaging findings to be easily overlooked, and the need for specialized diagnostic testing. Once SIH is suggested by clinical history and/or supported by initial neuroim-aging, many patients may undergo initial nontargeted epidural blood patching with variable and indefinite benefit. However, data suggest that precise localization of the CSF leak or CSF-venous fistula (CVF) can lead to more effective and durable treatment strategies. Leak localization can be achieved using a variety of advanced diagnostic imaging techniques, although these may not be widely performed at nontertiary medical centers, leaving many patients with the potential for inadequate workup or treatment. This review describes imaging techniques including dynamic fluoroscopic and CT myelography as well as delayed MR myelography and treatment options including percutaneous, endovascular, and surgical approaches for SIH. These are summarized by an algorithmic framework for radiologists to approach the workup and treatment of patients with suspected SIH. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach is emphasized.


This review provides an algorithmic framework for radiologists to approach the workup and treatment of patients with suspected SIH.
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a disorder of CSF dynamics that causes a complex clinical syndrome and severe disability. SIH is challenging to diagnose because of the variability of its presenting clinical symptoms, the potential for subtle imaging findings to be easily overlooked, and the need for specialized diagnostic testing.
Neuroimaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and characterization of SIH, as patterns of imaging findings on specific imaging examinations are indicative of underlying pathologies and guide appropriate treatment pathways [1]. The three main causes of SIH include CSF leak through dural defects, leaking meningeal diverticula, and CSF-venous fistula (CVF) [2]. In the upright position, hydrostatic pressure in the spine is positive relative to atmospheric pressure, and pressure within the intracranial compartment is slightly negative with respect to atmospheric pressure [3]. Therefore, the spine represents the anatomic source of most symptomatic CSF leaks and venous fistulas, such that investigation of the source of SIH should primarily focus on targeted imaging of the spine rather than the skull base [4]. Although routine contrast-enhanced brain MRI protocols are sufficient to evaluate for intracranial features of SIH, specialized noncontrast spine MRI protocols designed to detect extradural CSF can obviate conventional invasive myelography and aid in planning further invasive diagnostic testing that is tailored to the workup of SIH [5].
Once a leak or fistula is suspected on the basis of clinical features and/or noninvasive imaging, its location may be investigated by dynamic myelography. Dynamic myelography, which may be performed by fluoroscopy or CT, differs from conventional myelography in that patients are positioned based on the type of suspected leak, and early phase imaging is performed immediately after administration of intrathecal contrast material to detect rapid egress of CSF through a meningeal defect or CVF. In addition, a leak or fistula may be elicited by provocative maneuvers including pressure augmentation, patient elevation, and inspiration [68].
Delayed MR myelography represents an additional diagnostic tool with varying degrees of reported efficacy [9]. Although the intrathecal use of gadolinium-based contrast agent is not FDA approved, multiple studies have deemed its use to be safe [10, 11]. In our experience, pressure-augmented delayed MR myelography has successfully localized several otherwise occult slow-leaking dural defects and meningeal diverticula and has a valuable role in the diagnostic workup for SIH (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 —Algorithm for diagnostic imaging approach to patient with clinical suspicion of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH). Asterisk indicates recommendation for multidisciplinary discussion and conversation with patient regarding risks and benefits; if clinical suspicion is low, other causes of headache should be considered. FS = fat suppression, CVF = CSF-venous fistula.
Once SIH is suggested by clinical history and/or supported by initial neuroimaging, many patients may undergo initial nontargeted epidural blood patching (EBP) with variable and indefinite benefit. However, localization of the CSF leak or CVF facilitates more effective and durable treatment strategies. Specifically, after localization of the CSF leak or fistula, its treatment can be approached in a stepwise targeted manner from less-invasive to more-invasive options (i.e., from percutaneous to endovascular to open surgical techniques), depending on the response of the patient to initial interventions.
In this review, we describe imaging techniques and treatment approaches for SIH and present a diagnostic algorithm based on our clinical experience. Although a similar fundamental imaging approach to patients with suspected SIH has been previously described [12], our algorithm also incorporates a diagnostic framework for patients who present with an orthostatic headache but have no features of SIH on brain MRI. Additionally, our proposed imaging pathway allows detection of all types of CSF leaks and CVF without the use of digital subtraction myelography, which is unavailable at some institutions. Greater adoption of the presented advanced diagnostic imaging techniques is important because these currently are not widely performed at nontertiary medical centers, leaving many patients with the potential for inadequate workup or treatment. Finally, this review emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the successful diagnosis and treatment of SIH. Routine multidisciplinary imaging conferences involving neurologists, neuroradiologists, and neurosurgeons are necessary to optimize patient selection, troubleshoot challenging cases, and coordinate care.

First-Line Imaging Techniques

Contrast-Enhanced Brain MRI

Routine brain MRI protocols consisting of, at a minimum, contrast-enhanced 3D T1-weighted imaging, T2-weighted imaging, FLAIR, and susceptibility weighted imaging, are sufficient to evaluate for intracranial sequelae of SIH. Such sequelae include diffuse dural thickening and enhancement, subdural collections, pituitary engorgement, dural venous sinus engorgement, sagging of the brainstem and cerebellum, and superficial siderosis [1] (Fig. 2). The presence of any one of these imaging findings in a patient with an orthostatic headache constitutes sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation for underlying spinal CSF leak or venous fistula.
Fig. 2A —Intracranial MRI features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH).
A, 46-year-old man with SIH. Axial T1-weighted contrast-enhanced image shows diffuse pachymeningeal thickening (arrows).
Fig. 2B —Intracranial MRI features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH).
B, 34-year-old woman with SIH. Sagittal T1-weighted image shows sagging of posterior fossa structures (arrows).
Fig. 2C —Intracranial MRI features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH).
C, 44-year-old man with SIH. Axial susceptibility-weighted image shows superficial siderosis (arrows).
Fig. 2D —Intracranial MRI features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH).
D, 52-year-old woman with SIH. Axial T2-weighted FLAIR image shows subdural collections (arrows).
Fig. 2E —Intracranial MRI features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH).
E, 45-year-old woman with SIH. Sagittal T1-weighted contrast-enhanced image shows pituitary engorgement (arrow).
Fig. 2F —Intracranial MRI features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH).
F, 41-year-old woman with SIH. Sagittal T2-weighted image shows dural venous sinus engorgement (arrow).

Heavily T2-Weighted Whole-Spine MRI

As most CSF leaks causing SIH originate in the spine, the work-up of patients with suspected SIH must include whole-spine imaging to evaluate for the presence of an extradural CSF collection [4]. Although routine spine imaging is usually sufficient to identify a dorsal or ventral epidural fluid collection, CSF leaking laterally via a perineural cyst or lateral dural defect may not be readily detected on conventional spine MRI protocols comprising 2D sequences without fat saturation. Therefore, inclusion of a 3D fat-saturated (FS) heavily T2-weighted imaging sequence is warranted to evaluate not only the epidural space but also the paraspinal soft tissues for the presence of extradural CSF [5]. Accordingly, our protocol includes a coronal 3D fat-saturated HASTE sequence with an echo train length (ETL) of 256, isotropic resolution of 0.9 mm3, and TR/TE of 8000/271. The sequence is reformatted in sagittal and axial planes as well as into a coronal volumetric maximum-intensity-projection image. In addition, a sagittal STIR sequence is obtained at each spinal level. The entire protocol encompassing the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine is acquired in approximately 40 minutes.
The 3D FS T2-weighted imaging sequence is useful not only for identifying extradural CSF but also for characterizing meningeal diverticula, which can be a source of CSF leak and a nidus for CVF [13]. The presence, complexity, and laterality of meningeal diverticula can inform patient positioning for later decubitus dynamic myelography, and careful scrutinization and comparison between the contours of meningeal diverticula on 3D FS T2-weighted imaging and those on CT or MR myelography often lead to detection of a leaking meningeal diverticulum (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3A —61-year-old man with spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) that was only temporarily responsive to empirical blood patching.
A, Three-dimensional fat-saturated T2-weighted image obtained at T10-11 level shows no evidence of extradural CSF.
Fig. 3B —61-year-old man with spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) that was only temporarily responsive to empirical blood patching.
B, Image from early phase pressure-augmented dynamic myelography performed with patient in left lateral decubitus position shows feathery enhancement outside of confines of dura (arrow) that had been delineated on 3D fat-saturated T2-weighted image.
Fig. 3C —61-year-old man with spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) that was only temporarily responsive to empirical blood patching.
C, Later delayed phase image shows additional feathery enhancement surrounding this meningeal diverticulum (arrows). Patient was treated with transforaminal fibrin patch at this level and subsequently had relief of symptoms.

Dynamic CT Myelography

Dynamic myelography can be performed via a fluoroscopic or CT technique, with each modality having strengths and weaknesses. Fluoroscopic dynamic myelography is usually performed with digital subtraction (i.e., digital subtraction myelography [DSM]), and a tilt table and biplane may be used to improve leak detection. However, because of respiratory motion artifacts on digital subtraction images in the thoracic spine, where most CVFs occur, general endotracheal anesthesia is often used to control breathing and minimize artifacts [14]. In addition, although DSM shows excellent temporal resolution, its restricted FOV limits evaluation to the areas specifically examined by the operator, thus necessitating pretest suspicion of leak location.
We have had good success in the use of dynamic CT myelography (CTM) for localization of CVF and dural defects. Dynamic CTM offers unique advantages to DSM, including excellent spatial localization, acquisition of whole-spine images, and simultaneous characterization of surrounding anatomy for treatment planning purposes. In addition, the patient does not need to be placed under general endotracheal anesthesia to avoid breathing artifacts. However, these benefits are at the expense of a higher radiation dose and poorer temporal resolution compared with DSM. Both DSM and dynamic CTM remain the tests of choice for the detection of CVF, and future studies should seek to quantify and compare the relative sensitivities of the two modalities.
Patient positioning during dynamic CTM depends on the type of leak suspected. If initial spine MRI shows a ventral epidural collection, then the patient should be placed in the prone position to localize the site of the ventral dural defect. If spine MRI does not show an epidural collection, then the patient should be placed in the lateral decubitus position to study the lateral dura and meningeal diverticula. Performing the procedure in two separate sessions is often necessary to carefully examine both sides during early dynamic contrast-enhanced phases.
Unlike DSM, in which a tilt table may be used to facilitate cranial passage of contrast material, dynamic CTM requires the use of an extrinsic device for this purpose. Some institutions place a foam wedge under the patient's hips [15, 16]. Although this maneuver allows straightforward dynamic imaging, it precludes accurate measurement of opening pressure. We have achieved good results using an inflatable mattress (HoverMatt Air Transfer System, HoverTech International) for dynamic positioning.
Regardless of the modality used, all dural punctures in patients with suspected leaks should be performed with a noncutting sidehole needle, which results in significantly fewer postpuncture headaches compared with traditional cutting spinal needles [17].

Prone Dynamic CT Myelography for Suspected Ventral Dural Defect

Before the procedure is performed, spine MRI should be reviewed to assess the location of the epidural fluid collection. Osteophytes, which are potential sources of dural tears, should be noted. The suspected level of the defect (and thus the distance of the defect from the lumbar puncture) informs how long the patient's hips should be raised to allow cranial passage of intrathecal contrast material. For example, a suspected leak in the lumbar spine requires less time with the hips raised (achieved by the inflation) than does a suspected leak in the cervical spine.
The inflatable mattress should be folded in half and positioned on the CT table in proximity to the CT gantry. The patient should be positioned prone on the table with the mattress under their hips. A test inflation should be performed to ensure that the hips are adequately raised above the head to facilitate the rapid cranial passage of contrast material.
During planning for initial lumbar puncture, a whole-spine scout image should be obtained. This scout image allows rapid whole-spine imaging to be performed later in the procedure without repeating the scout acquisition. During lumbar puncture, the lowest spinal level possible should be accessed to allow the greatest number of spinal levels to be examined cranial to the level of access. During lumbar puncture, care should be taken to attempt to position the tip of the needle as close as possible to the center of the thecal sac, to avoid a subdural injection. Once CSF returns through the needle, approximately 0.2 mL of contrast material should be injected to confirm subarachnoid positioning. Subsequently, 5–10 mL of iodinated contrast material (iopamidol, 300 mg I/mL; Isovue-M 300, Bracco) should be instilled through connective tubing, followed by re-placement of the stylet and needle removal. The mattress should be inflated at this time. Depending on the suspected level of leak and the degree of lumbar lordosis or spinal stenosis, the time of inflation may range from 10 to 20 seconds. Subsequently, the mattress should be deflated and whole-spine scanning rapidly performed.
As images appear on the scanner console, they should be scrutinized in real time for contrast material layering along the ventral thecal sac across the entire spine. Ideally, an abrupt transition point will be identified where contrast material moves from the subarachnoid space to the epidural space (Fig. 4). If contrast material has not extended sufficiently in the cranial direction after the first scan is obtained, scanning should be aborted, the mattress reinflated for an additional 10–20 seconds, and the scan repeated.
Fig. 4A —35-year-old man who had abrupt-onset orthostatic headache develop after undergoing chiropractic evaluation, with spine MRI showing ventral cervicothoracic epidural fluid collection suggestive of ventral dural defect (not shown).
A, Sagittal image from dynamic myelography performed with patient in prone position shows contrast material (arrow, A) transitioning from subarachnoid space into ventral epidural space at C7-T1 level. Upper and lower lines in A indicate slice locations of axial prone dynamic myelograms shown in B and C, respectively. Leak was refractory to percutaneous therapies, prompting surgical intervention.
Fig. 4B —35-year-old man who had abrupt-onset orthostatic headache develop after undergoing chiropractic evaluation, with spine MRI showing ventral cervicothoracic epidural fluid collection suggestive of ventral dural defect (not shown).
B, Sagittal image from dynamic myelography performed with patient in prone position shows contrast material (arrow, A) transitioning from subarachnoid space into ventral epidural space at C7-T1 level. Upper and lower lines in A indicate slice locations of axial prone dynamic myelograms shown in B and C, respectively. Leak was refractory to percutaneous therapies, prompting surgical intervention.
Fig. 4C —35-year-old man who had abrupt-onset orthostatic headache develop after undergoing chiropractic evaluation, with spine MRI showing ventral cervicothoracic epidural fluid collection suggestive of ventral dural defect (not shown).
C, Sagittal image from dynamic myelography performed with patient in prone position shows contrast material (arrow, A) transitioning from subarachnoid space into ventral epidural space at C7-T1 level. Upper and lower lines in A indicate slice locations of axial prone dynamic myelograms shown in B and C, respectively. Leak was refractory to percutaneous therapies, prompting surgical intervention.
Fig. 4D —35-year-old man who had abrupt-onset orthostatic headache develop after undergoing chiropractic evaluation, with spine MRI showing ventral cervicothoracic epidural fluid collection suggestive of ventral dural defect (not shown).
D, Intraoperative photograph shows posterior approach ventral dural repair. (Courtesy of Schievink W, Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, CA)

Decubitus Dynamic CT Myelography for Suspected CSF-Venous Fistula

CVFs present a particular diagnostic challenge because of the rapid intermittent nature of their leakage. Thus, in addition to rapid early phase imaging, authors have suggested the use of provocative maneuvers to aid CVF detection. For example, Caton et al. [7] showed the safe, well-tolerated use of pressure augmentation with sterile saline to both enhance detection of CVF and allow calculation of compliance curves to characterize underlying leak pathology. In addition, Amrhein et al. [8] showed that imaging during the inspiratory phase increases the conspicuity of CVF. Therefore, we use both of these maneuvers during dynamic CTM to increase sensitivity for CVF.
Before dynamic CTM is performed, spine MRI should be reviewed to identify the presence and laterality of perineural cysts, which can serve as both a nidus for CVF and a site of primary leakage. The presence of large or irregular perineural cysts on one side of the spine or an asymmetric burden of perineural cysts might guide the choice of the decubitus side on which the patient should initially be positioned. If the first dynamic myelogram is normal, then the patient returns on a separate day to have a repeat dynamic myelogram obtained with the contralateral side down to complete the workup.
The patient is positioned on the table with the mattress folded in half under their hips. A test inflation of the mattress is performed to ensure that positioning facilitates the cranial passage of contrast material as well as to ensure that the patient is safely centered on the mat and will not roll forward or backward during the procedure. During initial planning, a whole-spine scout image should be obtained. Access to the thecal sac should be obtained in a manner similar to that previously described. Once CSF returns through the needle, opening pressure should be measured with a digital manometer (Compass Digital Manometer, Centurion Medical Products). As long as the opening pressure is either normal or low, infusion of sterile saline may be initiated via incremental 5-mL aliquots, measuring and recording the pressure after each aliquot. Once the pressure reaches approximately 25–30 cm of H2O, the infusion is stopped. A total of 5–10 mL of iodinated contrast material (300 mg I/mL) is then instilled, the stylet re-placed, and the needle removed. The mattress is then inflated for approximately 10–15 seconds, after which time it is deflated and rapid scanning is initiated. As they appear on the scanner console, the images should be scrutinized for contrast material layering dependently in the lateral thecal sac, filling any perineural cysts, and extending at least to the craniocervical junction. Two whole-spine acquisitions should be obtained in immediate succession. The patient may subsequently be repositioned to the opposite lateral decubitus position, and one final acquisition performed (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5A —67-year-old woman with orthostatic headache refractory to several epidural blood patches. Initial dynamic myelogram obtained with patient in left lateral decubitus position failed to show left-sided leak or fistula (not shown).
A, Image from final myelography performed with patient in right lateral decubitus position shows suspicious hyperattenuating paraspinal vein (arrow).
Fig. 5B —67-year-old woman with orthostatic headache refractory to several epidural blood patches. Initial dynamic myelogram obtained with patient in left lateral decubitus position failed to show left-sided leak or fistula (not shown).
B, Image from dedicated dynamic CT myelography performed with patient in right decubitus position on later date confirms presence of CSF-venous fistula arising from T10-11 level (arrow). Patient was treated with percutaneous fibrin occlusion on same day, resulting in complete relief of symptoms.

MR Myelography

Intrathecal use of gadolinium-based contrast agent for MR myelography, although off label, is considered a safe and effective method for detection of CSF leaks [10]. The literature suggests that slow leaks, which may not be evident on early phase imaging, may be optimally detected with MR myelography [10, 18]. This difference may reflect a combination of improved tissue contrast resolution for MRI compared with CT as well as the substantial delay in imaging for MR myelography. When pressure-augmented decubitus dynamic myelography with simultaneous intrathecal injection of gadolinium-based contrast agent is performed, the pressure augmentation is anticipated to increase the conspicuity of extrathecal contrast material originating through slow or subtle leaks [11]. Using these combinations of techniques, we have detected several leaks that were occult on CTM or 3D FS T2-weighted imaging (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6A —39-year-old woman with orthostatic headache.
A, Axial MR image from 3D fat-saturated T2-weighted acquisition shows minimal T2 asymmetry in right L4-5 neural foramen (arrow).
Fig. 6B —39-year-old woman with orthostatic headache.
B, Dynamic pressure-augmented CT myelogram fails to show extradural contrast material; 0.2 mL of gadobenate dimeglumine (MultiHance, Bracco) was simultaneously instilled during procedure.
Fig. 6C —39-year-old woman with orthostatic headache.
C, MR myelography performed 45 minutes after CT myelography shows contrast material within right neural foramen (arrow).
Fig. 6D —39-year-old woman with orthostatic headache.
D, Preprocedural sagittal T1-weighted MR image shows several features of spontaneous intracranial hypotension, including pituitary engorgement (solid arrow) and narrowing of mamillopontine interval (dashed arrow).
Fig. 6E —39-year-old woman with orthostatic headache.
E, CT-guided fibrin patch was placed, targeting right L4-5 neural foramen (arrow).
Fig. 6F —39-year-old woman with orthostatic headache.
F, Postprocedural sagittal T1-weighted MR image shows decreased pituitary engorgement (solid arrow) and normalization of mamillopontine interval (dashed arrow), accompanied by patient's relief of symptoms.
According to our diagnostic algorithm, patients with findings of SIH on brain MRI but no extradural collection on spine imaging undergo decubitus dynamic CTM to evaluate for CVF. If decubitus CTM is normal, then the patient returns on a separate day to undergo dynamic CTM in the opposite decubitus position. During the second myelogram, 0.2 mL of intrathecal gadolinium-based contrast agent (gadobenate dimeglumine, 0.5 M [MultiHance, Bracco]) is simultaneously instilled for subsequent MR myelography, which is performed within 30–60 minutes after dynamic CTM. MR myelography is performed using a multiplanar T1-weighted sequence with a modified 3-point Dixon technique for fat saturation and with a section thickness of 3 mm, an inter-slice gap of 0.5 mm, TR of 475 ms, ETL of 3–4, TE of 10 ms, bandwidth of 50 Hz, and matrix size of 320 in the frequency-encoding direction and 224 in the phase-encoding direction. After sagittal whole-spine acquisition, real-time monitoring is performed to prescribe additional axial and coronal planes of interest, with the goal of minimizing scan time while optimizing image quality.

Special Consideration: The Patient Who Cannot Undergo MRI

As MRI is a critical tool in several steps within the diagnostic algorithm for patients with suspected SIH, patients who cannot undergo MRI present a particular diagnostic challenge. Imaging parameters can often be modified to accommodate implanted MRI-conditional devices. However, CT must be used in patients with absolute contraindications to MRI. First-line imaging evaluation of the brain may be performed with contrast-enhanced head CT to evaluate for features of brain sag, pachymeningeal enhancement, dural venous sinus, and pituitary distention. Spine imaging must be performed with CTM. For such procedures, we generally first obtain prone dynamic CTM and later obtain delayed conventional myelographic images; this approach seeks to maximize the imaging yield from the initial lumbar puncture procedure in case an epidural fluid collection is present. If no such collection is present, then the patient returns for decubitus dynamic CTM. In addition, delayed pressure-augmented CTM can be used in place of delayed MR myelography to evaluate for the presence of leaking meningeal diverticula.

The Patient With Orthostatic Headache and Negative Intracranial Imaging

Many patients with high clinical suspicion of SIH do not manifest neuroimaging features of intracranial hypovolemia. Studies have estimated that up to approximately 20% of these patients may in fact have a CSF leak or CVF despite a negative brain MRI [19, 20]. Our clinical experience indeed supports maintaining this suspicion for occult CVF (Fig. 7A). These patients present a particular diagnostic and management challenge and require the expertise of the referring neurologist to inform the pretest probability. Multidisciplinary conferences with neurologists and neuroradiologists should be regularly held to provide an opportunity to discuss patients who lack clear imaging findings. In general, patients for whom there is a high clinical suspicion for SIH despite negative imaging undergo either high-volume empirical EBP with both diagnostic and therapeutic intent and/or bilateral decubitus dynamic CTM to evaluate for occult CVF.
Fig. 7A —60-year-old man who had orthostatic headache for several years.
A, Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR image shows normal configuration of posterior fossa structures. No significant dural thickening, venous engorgement, subdural collections, or siderosis was present.
Fig. 7B —60-year-old man who had orthostatic headache for several years.
B, Image from dynamic pressure-augmented CT myelography performed with patient in right lateral decubitus position shows CSF-venous fistula (CVF) arising from neck of perineural cyst at T6-7 (arrow). Percutaneous fibrin injection was attempted but was unsuccessful in resolving patient's symptoms, so endovascular embolization was performed.
Fig. 7C —60-year-old man who had orthostatic headache for several years.
C, Fluoroscopic image confirms access to culprit paraspinal vein was obtained through azygos vein via internal jugular vein.
Fig. 7D —60-year-old man who had orthostatic headache for several years.
D, Flat-panel cone-beam CT performed during power injection confirms catheterization of CVF at T6-7 (arrow).
Fig. 7E —60-year-old man who had orthostatic headache for several years.
E, Postprocedural image after injection of N-butyl cyanoacrylate. Patient experienced rebound high pressure headache for 1–2 days after procedure, followed by complete relief of symptoms.

Treatment Options

Dural Defects and Leaking Meningeal Diverticula

Epidural patching with autologous blood and/or fibrin glue— Large-volume autologous EBP is the mainstay treatment for postdural puncture headache and can be performed with or without image guidance. In addition, fibrin glue (a biologic adhesive material consisting of reconstituted human fibrinogen and thrombin) has potentially greater efficacy in symptom relief, particularly when the site of the leak is identified [21, 22]. In patients who have undergone a procedure with possible dural violation (e.g., lumbar puncture or spinal epidural anesthesia), first-line therapy should include prompt EBP at or near the level of instrumentation. The rates of symptomatic relief in these patients is high, with a clinical trial suggesting that approximately 90% of patients have improvement in symptoms after EBP [23]. In patients with suspected SIH, data suggest that efficacy may be higher for targeted, rather than empirical, treatment [21]. In addition, our experience and the published literature suggest that CVF may not respond to EBP in a sustained fashion [22]. Therefore, patients with an orthostatic headache ideally should undergo an algorithmic diagnostic workup to identify the site of leak. However, if a patient has severe symptoms, diagnostic workup should not delay empirical EBP, which can provide substantial relief while having only modest risks.
Once the site of a leak is identified or suspected, attempts should be made to direct autologous blood and/or fibrin to the site of leak. Such attempts can be particularly challenging in the context of ventral dural defects, as EBP is most commonly performed from a dorsal approach. We have successfully performed far-lateral approaches with longer spinal needles to target the ventral epidural space (Fig. 8). CT guidance is critical in these cases to delineate intervening anatomy and plan a safe needle trajectory.
Fig. 8 —35-year-old man with orthostatic headache and confirmed ventral dural defect at C7-T1 that was refractory to dorsal epidural blood patches. To access ventral epidural space, 8-cm 20-gauge spinal needle was guided along innovative intramuscular approach through deltoid for fibrin glue patching.
Surgical repair—Patients with dural defects refractory to percutaneous therapies should undergo surgical consultation for primary dural repair. The ventral location of these defects can present a particular surgical challenge and may require an anterior approach, which may have significant associated morbidity. However, a successful posterior approach for ventral dural repair has been described and performed with great efficacy [24] (Fig. 4D).

CSF-Venous Fistula

Percutaneous fibrin glue embolization—CVF can be successfully treated using percutaneous injection of fibrin glue with CT guidance, by targeting the junction of the culprit vein and thecal sac, often at the neck of the ipsilateral perineural cyst at the corresponding spinal level. Mamlouk et al. [25] described the technical procedural details and periprocedural considerations. Although treatment can be performed in isolation, we have had better results performing the procedure on the same day as the corresponding diagnostic dynamic CTM, as residual opacification of the perineural cyst and draining vein can aid procedural planning. As such, it is prudent to plan for potential treatment on the same day as dynamic CTM in patients with a high clinical suspicion of CVF.
Endovascular embolization—Brinjikji et al. [26, 27] and Borg et al. [28, 29] first described transvenous endovascular embolization of CVF in 2021 and subsequently showed the efficacy and safety of the procedure in a series of 40 patients. According to our algorithm, patients who fail to have a response to percutaneous fibrin glue embolization of CVF are evaluated for either endovascular embolization or surgical ligation. To perform endovascular embolization, the target paraspinal vein is catheterized, and a liquid embolic agent such as N-butyl cyanoacrylate (Johnson & Johnson) or Onyx (Medtronic) is used to occlude the CVF. Venous access is obtained through either the right common femoral vein or internal jugular vein to catheterize the azygos vein, vertebral vein, or ascending lumbar vein, depending on the level of the CVF in the spine. After the suspected paraspinal vein is catheterized, flat-panel cone-beam CT venography is acquired with images compared with previously performed dynamic CTM to confirm appropriate vein catheterization, followed by embolization (Fig. 7D). Additionally, anticipatory fiducial marker placement during dynamic CTM or CT fibrin glue injection can be useful to localize the appropriate spinal level for future procedures, minimizing procedure time.
Surgical ligation—Successful treatment of CVF via surgical ligation was first described by Schievink et al. [13]. According to our algorithm, CVFs that are refractory to percutaneous fibrin embolization and are otherwise unable to be targeted via endovascular techniques are considered for operative ligation. The surgical approach depends on the site and level of the fistula, but it often requires laminectomy and/or mesial facetectomy to gain access to the nerve root and adjacent veins (Fig. 9). Although the draining vein(s) may show hyperemia on direct inspection, the dominant culprit vein is often difficult to distinguish. Therefore, copious ligation and cauterization of venous vasculature surrounding the nerve root, with or without suture ligation of the nerve root itself, is often performed. During surgery, Valsalva maneuvers may assist in identifying intraoperative evidence of CSF leak.
Fig. 9A —61-year-old man with orthostatic headache who was found to have CSF-venous fistula (CVF) arising from dilated nerve root sleeve on right at T10-11. Patient elected to undergo surgical ligation.
A, Intraoperative photograph obtained during CVF ligation (A) and 3D volumetric rendering of corresponding dynamic CT myelogram (B) show dilated right T10-11 nerve root sleeve (red arrow), thecal sac (yellow arrow), and abnormal draining vein (blue arrow).
Fig. 9B —61-year-old man with orthostatic headache who was found to have CSF-venous fistula (CVF) arising from dilated nerve root sleeve on right at T10-11. Patient elected to undergo surgical ligation.
B, Intraoperative photograph obtained during CVF ligation (A) and 3D volumetric rendering of corresponding dynamic CT myelogram (B) show dilated right T10-11 nerve root sleeve (red arrow), thecal sac (yellow arrow), and abnormal draining vein (blue arrow).

Posttreatment Considerations: Rebound Intracranial Hypertension

Rebound intracranial hypertension is a potential complication of any therapy designed to treat CSF leak or CVF and is characterized by a postprocedural elevation of CSF pressure [30]. It typically occurs within hours to days after treatment of CSF leak, is often characterized by a frontal or periorbital headache, and is often accompanied by nausea or emesis [30]. Treatment may include CSF removal and/or oral acetazolamide, starting at 250–500 mg administered twice daily and possibly continued for as long as needed to achieve CSF equilibration and symptomatic relief. In severe cases, if vision is threatened, venous sinus stenting and/or optic nerve fenestration may be necessary. It is critical to anticipate and correctly identify the symptoms of rebound intracranial hypertension to not mistake them for symptoms of refractory SIH. Patients should be counseled regarding this risk, and it may be prudent to routinely prescribe oral acetazolamide after the procedure, to be used by the patient as needed to prevent emergent complications [25].


SIH and its associated causes have become increasingly recognized over the past 2 decades and pose multiple challenges to neurologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, and other practitioners. Nonetheless, effective techniques for diagnosing and treating CSF leaks and CVF are underutilized. Our goal is for more hospitals to adopt the approaches outlined in this review, with the aim of increasing access to curative treatments for patients experiencing SIH-related symptoms. Future work should investigate the optimal technical considerations during dynamic myelography to maximize the sensitivity of the method and identify best practices for caring for patients with orthostatic headache and negative intracranial imaging.


We thank Amanda Goodwin, for her work in curating and conducting postprocessing of relevant figures, and Wouter Schievink, for his clinical collaboration and mentorship.


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 292 - 301
PubMed: 35261281


Submitted: January 31, 2022
Revision requested: February 17, 2022
Revision received: February 22, 2022
Accepted: February 25, 2022
First published: March 9, 2022


  1. CSF leak
  2. CSF-venous fistula
  3. dynamic myelography
  4. spontaneous intracranial hypotension



Andrew L. Callen, MD [email protected]
Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Section, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 12401 E 17th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045.
Vincent M. Timpone, MD
Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Section, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 12401 E 17th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045.
Adam Schwertner, MD
Department of Radiology, Interventional Radiology Section, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO.
David Zander, MD
Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Section, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 12401 E 17th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045.
Fabio Grassia, MD
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
Peter Lennarson, MD
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
Joshua Seinfeld, MD
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
Kevin O. Lillehei, MD
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
Marius Birlea, MD
Department of Neurology, Headache Section, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
Ashesh A. Thaker, MD
Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Section, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 12401 E 17th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045.


Address correspondence to A. L. Callen ([email protected]).
The authors declare that they have no disclosures relevant to the subject matter of this article.

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