Original Report
May 2000

MR Imaging Assessment of the Pectoralis Major Myotendinous Unit: An MR Imaging—Anatomic Correlative Study with Surgical Correlation


OBJECTIVE. MR imaging is the optimal imaging technique to study the normal and abnormal conditions of the pectoralis major muscle and tendon unit. The purpose of this study was to use MR imaging to provide an anatomic survey of the normal pectoralis major tendon and its insertion and to compare these findings with surgically proven cases of rupture.
CONCLUSION. MR imaging shows the normal pectoralis major myotendinous unit has low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Reliable anatomic landmarks for visualization and examination of injuries to the muscle and myotendinous unit include the quadrilateral space, or the origin of the lateral head of the triceps, as the superior boundary and the deltoid tuberosity as the inferior boundary of the intact tendon of insertion. Failure to visualize a normal insertion within these boundaries should prompt a dedicated search by the radiologist for rupture and retraction of the tendon medially.


Rupture of the pectoralis major muscle is an uncommon clinical entity. Although the diagnosis is usually suspected clinically, marked edema, pain, and decreased range of motion make clinical assessment of the location and extent of injury difficult. MR imaging has been advocated as a useful means of examining the injury in the acute phase, thus aiding clinical treatment [1,2,3]. To date, only three studies have attempted to review the MR imaging and CT findings in a total of 20 patients with surgically confirmed rupture of the pectoralis major muscle [1,2,3].
The complex anatomy of the pectoralis major muscle, particularly at its insertion in the humerus, makes imaging and diagnosis of injuries to the tendon difficult. This study attempts to define the MR imaging characteristics of the normal pectoralis major tendon insertion and of a small series of surgically proven cases of acute rupture.

Materials and Methods

Six recently frozen cadaveric shoulder specimens from two women and one man were thawed to room temperature for 24 hr, then imaged using a 1.5-T MR magnet (General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI).
The cadavers were imaged in the supine position, with the shoulder in the anatomically neutral position. A 5-inch surface coil was placed over the axilla. Using a coronal localizer, the inferior aspect of the humeral head and the deltoid tuberosity were identified and used to define the superior and inferior axial landmarks, respectively, for imaging. Axial spin-echo images (TR/TE, 500/minimum) and T2-weighted spin-echo axial images (4000/85) were obtained. All sequences included a 12-cm field of view, 3-mm section thickness, 1-mm intersection gap, two acquisitions, and a 256 × 192 matrix. Additional oblique coronal T1-weighted images were obtained using the same parameters.
After imaging, the cadavers were dissected using an anterior deltopectoral surgical approach to isolate the myotendinous junction and the insertion of the pectoralis major tendon. A 3-mm-diameter gadolinium marker, which is a 1:50 dilute of gadopentetate dimeglumine (Omniscan; Nycomed, Princeton, NJ) in 5 cm of standard 3-mm-diameter IV tubing, was then sewn along the superficial surface of the humeral insertion as identified by the orthopedic surgeon. A second 5-mm-diameter gadolinium marker was placed along the anterior course of the myotendinous junction. The cadaveric shoulders were then imaged again using the same parameters. Additional images were obtained with the joint in external rotation in three of the specimens.
Six healthy volunteers (four men and two women) were imaged with a 5-inch surface coil placed over the axilla. Using the inferior aspect of the humeral head and the deltoid tuberosity as anatomic landmarks, imaging parameters were obtained as follows: axial gradient-echo localizer; oblique coronal double-echo (proton density- and T2-weighted) images (TR/TE, 2500/minimum of 70); oblique sagittal two-dimensional fast spin-echo T2-weighted images (4000/90); axial proton density-weighted images (1500/minimum); and axial two-dimensional fast spin-echo T2-weighted images (4000/90). All sequences were obtained with 16-cm field of view, 3-mm section thickness, 0.5-mm intersection gap, two acquisitions, and a 256 × 192 matrix. The healthy volunteers were imaged in both internal and external rotation.
A dedicated search of the database at our hospital identified five cases of surgically proven rupture of the pectoralis major muscle. Because the injury was suspected clinically by the referring orthopedic surgeon in each case, a routine shoulder protocol followed by dedicated images in the region of pectoralis major insertion was obtained. The protocols varied slightly according to the ordering radiologist; however, in general, T1- and T2-weighted axial, coronal, and sagittal images centered over the axilla and extending inferiorly to the level of the deltoid tuberosity were obtained.
All MR images were reviewed by two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists. A consensus interpretation was obtained in cases of discrepancy.


Cadavers and Healthy Volunteers

In the axial plane, the pectoralis major muscle can be easily identified as the largest, most superficial muscle group, originating along the anterior chest wall, then crossing below the shoulder joint to insert in the humerus. The muscle fibers then coalesce to form a fibrous tendon of insertion, which typically has low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. On MR imaging of the cadaveric specimens, the fibers of the pectoralis tendon blend into the muscle fibers of the long head of the biceps, making differentiation of the two structures difficult. This is likely related to postmortem degeneration of the tendon and changes incurred during surgical dissection. The differentiation is easier in healthy volunteers because the signal differences between muscle and tendon are more pronounced. The fibrous tendon crosses anterior to the biceps tendon to become a thin, triangular-shaped insertion in the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove, just distal to the humeral tuberosities (Fig. 1A,1B).
Fig. 1A. —Insertion of pectoralis major tendon in lateral lip of intertubercular groove. T1-weighted MR image of 80-year-old male cadaver obtained with gadolinium markers reveals the thick marker (arrowhead) at the myotendinous junction as defined by orthopedic surgeon. Thin marker (arrow) lies along the insertion of tendon.
Fig. 1B. —Insertion of pectoralis major tendon in lateral lip of intertubercular groove. Corresponding proton density-weighted MR image of 29-year-old athletic healthy male volunteer shows normal tendon insertion (arrow) and myotendinous junction (arrowhead).
In the axial plane, the myotendinous junction can be identified directly dorsal to the deltopectoral groove. MR images from our cadaveric specimens showed the tendon to be variable in length, measuring between 5 and 15 mm before insertion in the humerus. The variability of tendon length is likely related to different lengths of the muscle fibers at the myotendinous junction [4]. The cephalocaudal dimension (width) of the insertion typically ranges between 4 and 6 cm. The insertion of the pectoralis major is best seen in the axial plane, particularly in the external rotation where the muscle is in slight tension, thus improving visibility of the thin fibrous insertion. In neither the cadavers nor the healthy volunteers were we able to differentiate the sternal head from the clavicular head of insertion (Fig. 1A,1B).
We observed that a reliable landmark for the superior margin of the pectoralis insertion is the quadrilateral space, best seen in the axial plane. The superior edge of the pectoralis major insertion typically is identified at the level of, or within 1-1.5 cm inferior to the quadrilateral space (range, 0-1.2 cm) (Figs. 2A and 2B). Another reliable landmark is the origin of the lateral head of the triceps muscle. The superior edge of the pectoralis major insertion is reliably identified on the anterior aspect of the humerus, approximately 5-10 mm superior to the level at which the lateral head of the triceps is first identified (Figs. 2C and 2D). The inferior aspect of the pectoralis major insertion will routinely terminate superior to the deltoid tuberosity, which can be used as a marker for the inferior aspect of imaging (Fig. 2E). The insertion site was not well visualized in either the oblique coronal or sagittal plane.
Fig. 2A. —Relationship of the pectoralis major tendon to surrounding anatomic landmarks. T1-weighted axial MR imaging of male cadaver obtained with thin gadolinium marker (arrow) along tendon insertion reveals superior aspect of pectoralis major tendon and its relationship to quadrilateral space (QL).
Fig. 2B. —Relationship of the pectoralis major tendon to surrounding anatomic landmarks. Corresponding proton density-weighted MR image in healthy male volunteer shows relationship of normal tendon insertion (arrow) and quadrilateral space (QL).
Fig. 2C. —Relationship of the pectoralis major tendon to surrounding anatomic landmarks. T1-weighted axial MR image of same male cadaver obtained with thin gadolinium marker (arrow) reveals superior aspect of tendon insertion and its relationship to origin of lateral head of triceps (T).
Fig. 2D. —Relationship of the pectoralis major tendon to surrounding anatomic landmarks. Corresponding proton density-weighted image in healthy male volunteer shows normal tendon of insertion (arrow) and its relationship to origin of lateral head of triceps (T).
Fig. 2E. —Relationship of the pectoralis major tendon to surrounding anatomic landmarks. T1-weighted axial MR image of male cadaver obtained with gadolinium marker (arrow) reveals relationship of inferior aspect of tendon to deltoid tuberosity (arrowhead).

Clinical Cases

A search of the database at our hospital revealed only five cases of pectoralis major rupture in the last 5 years. All cases were imaged in the acute (1-2 weeks) phase.
In two of the cases, MR imaging showed complete rupture of the tendon at the humeral insertion, with retraction of the muscle belly medially (Fig. 3). One case of complete rupture was associated with displacement of the biceps tendon medially (Fig. 4). MR imaging suggested incomplete rupture of the tendon insertion in two cases. In one case, a thin remnant of tendon was seen along the most superior aspect of the insertion, suggesting that rupture had occurred at the clavicular head while the sternal head was intact. In the other case, MR imaging showed most of the tendon to be avulsed, with only a small piece of the inferior-most portion of the clavicular head still intact. The fifth case showed a complete tear at the myotendinous junction, with an intact clavicular head of insertion (Fig. 5A,5B). In all five cases, the MR imaging findings were confirmed at surgery.
Fig. 3. —40-year-old man with sudden severe pain while bench-pressing. T2-weighted axial MR image reveals complete disruption of pectoralis major tendon at its insertion (arrow) with retraction of muscle belly medially (black arrows). Note marked edema along leading edge of torn muscle.
Fig. 4. —36-year-old man with pain while bench-pressing. T2-weighted axial MR image reveals complete rupture of pectoralis major tendon at its insertion (arrow) with retraction of muscle belly medially (thick arrows) and displacement of biceps tendon (B) from intertubercular groove. Note abnormally increased fluid within intertubercular groove.
Fig. 5A. —25-year-old man with sudden pain and weakness while wrestling. Proton density-weighted axial MR image reveals complete tear of pectoralis major muscle at myotendinous junction with retraction of muscle belly (arrowheads) and intact clavicular head of insertion (arrow).
Fig. 5B. —25-year-old man with sudden pain and weakness while wrestling. Corresponding T2-weighted MR image at same levels as A reveals marked intramuscular edema at injury site (arrows).
In all cases, MR imaging showed intramuscular and perimuscular edema of the pectoralis major muscle, muscle retraction, and absence of a normal humeral insertion. There was also an associated abnormal increase in fluid surrounding the long head of the biceps tendon in the intertubercular groove in all cases. T2-weighted axial images were superior to proton density- or T1-weighted images in revealing subtle abnormalities, particularly incomplete tears.
Most clinically relevant diagnostic information was obtained from the axial images, which provided optimal visualization of the pectoralis major muscle and insertion. Oblique coronal and sagittal images did not provide any additional information and were used primarily to confirm findings previously identified in the axial plane.


The pectoralis major muscle has a broad crescentic origin from the clavicle, sternum, and the fifth through seventh costal cartilages. The muscle fibers converge like a fan into three laminae (clavicular, manubrial, and abdominal), which twist 180° before coalescing into a single tendon of insertion in the bicipital groove of the humerus, just lateral to the biceps tendon. The tendon of insertion measures approximately 5 mm in transverse dimension and 5 cm in cephalocaudal dimension. The tendon and myotendinous junction are more accurately described as a thin coalescence of the anterior and posterior investing fascia than a true tendon [4] (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. —Anatomic drawing with deltoid muscle retracted shows normal anatomy of pectoralis major and its insertion in humeral head. Note 180° twist of three laminae before insertion.
The tendon can be further divided into two separate components consisting of a clavicular head and a sternal head. The clavicular head consists mainly of fibers from the clavicular laminae, while the sternal head arises from the manubrial and abdominal laminae. As a result of the 180° twist, the clavicular and upper sternal fibers insert most distally, while the lower sternal fibers arising from the manubrial and abdominal laminae insert most superiorly. Manktelow et al. [5] have reported that the sternal portion of the pectoralis major muscle has a discrete neurovascular supply that is completely independent from the neurovascular supply to the clavicular portion.
Rupture of the pectoralis major muscle and tendon is a rare entity, with fewer than 100 reported cases in the literature [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. However, the injury appears to be increasing in prevalence as the number of high-performance athletes in both the professional and recreational sector increases [3].
To date, the injury has been reported exclusively in men and is most common among weight lifters and high-performance athletes, particularly football players. Certain injuries predispose the muscle to rupture in different locations [2, 6,7,8]. The most common mechanism of injury is related to excessive stress during weight-lifting, particularly while bench-pressing [1, 2, 4, 6, 8,9,10,11,12]. Another less common mechanism of injury is a direct blow, such as may occur in an automobile accident or during a football tackle [6, 7, 9]. Partial tears of the muscle belly are common in this type of injury, with the injury typically occurring at the site of direct contact [2]. Other reported causes of injury include injury suffered by attempting to grasp an object while falling, senile degeneration, and various other sporting activities [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. Incomplete ruptures are more common than complete ruptures [1, 9]. In general, complete ruptures tend to occur distally at the humeral insertion or myotendinous junction, and incomplete ruptures tend to occur more proximally or within the muscle belly [2, 7, 9, 11].
Clinically, patients present with the characteristic history of excessive muscle stress or a direct blow to the shoulder region while the arm is in abduction and extension. Patients frequently report a “pop” at the time of the injury with associated marked ecchymosis and swelling. Range of motion in adduction, flexion and internal rotation of the shoulder is limited because of pain and weakness.
Treatment of patients presenting with acute ruptures varies according to patient activity. Nonoperative treatment of pectoralis major rupture will not result in significant functional loss for most patients and is generally recommended for patients who are inactive [6, 7, 9]. However, a cosmetically disfiguring bulge will persist, and repair for cosmetic reasons is considered in patients who are unwilling to accept a poor cosmetic outcome.
In general, early surgical repair is associated with a better outcome for the athlete, with earlier return to full strength and range of motion. Immediate diagnosis avoids surgical delay, which has the advantage of avoiding adhesions, muscle retraction, and atrophy, which can occur as early as 6 weeks after the initial injury [2, 8, 9]. Several groups of researchers have reported worse functional outcome after surgical repair in patients with chronic tears more than 6 weeks old [2, 9, 11]. Repair in the acute phase has also been associated with a better cosmetic outcome [8, 11]. McEntire et al. [9] has reported that accurate knowledge of the exact site of injury is important in determining treatment. Incomplete tears of the muscle belly and injuries occurring proximally tend to respond well with conservative treatment, except when a large hematoma is involved. However, patients with distal injuries, either at the humeral insertion or myotendinous junction, tend to have a better outcome with surgical repair [3, 9].
Because clinical diagnosis may be limited by pain and swelling, the limited number of cases reviewed in the literature have asserted that MR imaging is extremely beneficial in the acute setting [1,2,3]. Early diagnosis and treatment is aided by evaluation with MR imaging during the acute phase to assess for extent of injury, to detect the presence of associated injuries or hematoma, and to aid in treatment decisions. Furthermore, MR imaging allows exact localization of injury to the muscle belly, tendon, or the myotendinous junction by revealing abnormally high T2-weighted signal intensity (edema) at the site of injury.
If injury to the pectoralis major insertion is suspected, a dedicated study of this region is necessary; most routine shoulder imaging does not extend caudally enough to include the pectoralis insertion. Initially, a routine shoulder MR imaging examination should be performed to exclude associated injuries. This should be followed by imaging in the axial plane, using the quadrilateral space as the superior boundary and the deltoid tuberosity as the inferior boundary to insure the entirety of the pectoralis major insertion and myotendinous junction are identified. T1-weighted images, proton density images, and T2-weighted axial images should be obtained. If the patient is able to tolerate it, imaging with the arm in the external rotation may improve visibility of the tendon insertion. We obtained most of our diagnostic information from axial imaging; however, oblique coronal images may provide additional information regarding the extent of the tear at the humeral insertion [3].
In the axial plane, the tendon of the pectoralis major should be routinely identified within 1-1.5 cm inferior to the quadrilateral space, and 1 cm superior to the origin of the lateral head of the triceps muscle. In an acute trauma patient, failure to identify a normal low-signal-intensity humeral insertion within these boundaries should prompt a search for rupture with retraction of the tendon medially. Abnormally increased signal intensity can be identified on T2- weighted images at the leading edge of the muscle. Abnormal fluid surrounding the biceps tendon in the bicipital groove is an associated finding.
In conclusion, the normal pectoralis major muscle has a characteristic appearance and location on MR imaging. Axial imaging provides the most diagnostic information. The quadrilateral space and the lateral head of the triceps are reliable landmarks for the superior aspect of the tendon insertion; the deltoid tuberosity defines the inferior boundary. Understanding the normal anatomy of the pectoralis major improves diagnostic evaluation of the pectoralis major in cases of acute rupture, where clinical examination may be limited by marked ecchymosis, swelling, and tenderness. Early diagnosis is particularly important in high-performance athletes, in whom early treatment with surgical repair has been shown to result in better functional outcome with earlier return to full strength and function of the muscle.


Address correspondence to J. Lee.


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 1371 - 1375
PubMed: 10789797


Submitted: August 16, 1999
Accepted: October 13, 1999
First published: November 23, 2012



Josephine Lee
Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Keith R. Brookenthal
Department of Orthopaedics, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Matthew L. Ramsey
Department of Orthopaedics, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
J. Bruce Kneeland
Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Richard Herzog
Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19104.

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