Original Research
Health Care Policy and Quality
November 21, 2014

Value of a Standardized Lexicon for Reporting Levels of Diagnostic Certainty in Prostate MRI


OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness and diagnostic performance of a 5-point standardized diagnostic certainty lexicon for reporting the likelihood of extracapsular extension (ECE) of prostate cancer on routine staging prostate MRI.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. This study was a retrospective analysis of routine clinical prostate MRI reports before (254 patients) and after (211 patients) the implementation of a 5-point diagnostic certainty lexicon. Whole-mount step-section pathology of the radical prostatectomy specimens served as the reference standard. The terms used to express diagnostic certainty regarding ECE on standard-of-care MRI and the presence of ECE on pathology were compared between the two periods. ROC analysis was used to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the 5-point certainty lexicon for detecting ECE.
RESULTS. Before the implementation of the certainty lexicon, radiologists used 38 different terms to express the levels of certainty regarding the presence of ECE on MRI. Afterward, they adhered to the lexicon's predefined 5-point terminology in 85.3% of cases. The 5-point certainty lexicon used on MRI reports had an AUC of 0.852 for diagnosing ECE.
CONCLUSION. The implementation of a lexicon of diagnostic certainty dramatically reduced the number of expressions used by radiologists to indicate their levels of diagnostic certainty. The accuracy of the certainty lexicon for diagnosing ECE on standard-of-care prostate MRI is similar to previously reported accuracy values for the diagnosis of ECE by MRI. Thus, the use of such a lexicon might prevent miscommunication and help referring clinicians reliably incorporate radiologists’ assessments into clinical decision making.
Expressing levels of diagnostic certainty is an integral component of day-to-day clinical practice for radiologists. At the extreme ends of the spectrum of diagnostic certainty are the absolute presence (e.g., “displaced fracture of the right femoral neck”) and the absolute absence (e.g., “no pneumothorax”) of a specific finding. In between these extremes lies a spectrum of diagnostic certainty levels that can be expressed using a wide variety of terms.
Traditionally, the phrasing of the level of diagnostic certainty has been left to the discretion of the reporting radiologist, and the interpretation of the report has been left to the referring physician. This approach has been shown to lead to frequent misunderstandings. For example, Khorasani and colleagues [1] found only poor agreement between radiologists and nonradiologists in the interpretation of the most commonly used phrases in radiology reports. Other studies have also shown that many physicians are confused by nonuniform terminology in radiology reports and that referring clinicians may reach different conclusions when reading the same report [2]. In recent surveys gathering opinions about radiology reports, 20% of the responding clinicians indicated that they found the language and style of radiology reports unclear, and 24% of the responding radiologists indicated that they often have great trouble understanding reports of other radiologists [3].
The literature suggests that structured reporting in radiology leads to clearer and more thorough communication of relevant diagnostic findings than does conventional unstructured reporting [4]. The use of standardized terminology is a key element of structured reporting that reduces the probability of mis-communication and makes reports more accessible for data mining and research [5].
At our institution, we introduced structured reporting and developed a 5-point standardized lexicon to express the radiologist's level of certainty regarding diagnostic imaging findings. The degree of diagnostic certainty indicated by each phrase in the lexicon is numerically defined; thus, the referring physician can readily understand it and incorporate it into the clinical decision-making process.
An important diagnostic finding for which the use of a diagnostic certainty lexicon could potentially influence clinical care is extracapsular extension (ECE) of prostate cancer on MRI. Prostate MRI is increasingly being included in the workup of patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer, and the diagnosis of ECE on MRI affects pretreatment staging [6]. Patients with ECE have significantly shorter recurrence-free survival, systemic progression-free survival, cancer-specific survival, and overall survival [7], and the likelihood of ECE influences the planning of treatments, such as radiation or radical pros-tatectomy [8]. Thus, the aim of our study was to evaluate the usefulness and accuracy of our 5-point standardized diagnostic certainty lexicon for the diagnosis of ECE of prostate cancer on routine staging prostate MRI.

Materials and Methods

Study Design and Technique

Our study was a retrospective analysis of prospectively issued MRI reports. The standardized certainty lexicon evaluated in the study was implemented at our institution in 2009, along with structured reporting. Before its implementation, a departmental committee was set up to explore the options for terminology. The lexicon (Table 1) consists of the recommendations from this committee and encourages the reporting radiologist to use one of the qualifying phrases to specify the level of certainty for a specific finding or diagnosis. Figure 1 provides examples of the application of this lexicon in reporting of routine prostate MRI examinations.
TABLE 1: Descriptions of Lexicon's Qualifying Phrases for Indicating Radiologist's Level of Diagnostic Certainty Specified by Departmental Committee
Predefined Lexicon TermDescriptionSignifies Diagnostic Certainty (%)
“Consistent with”Is applied if proffered diagnosis is best explanation for finding in view of clinical information provided> 90
“Suspicious for or probable”Is used if finding is likely to represent but is not pathognomonic for proffered diagnosis~75
“Possible”Means that finding has some but not all features of one diagnosis, or other features not typically encountered in that diagnosis are also present~50
“Less likely”Is used if proffered diagnosis is believed to have substantially lower likelihood of being correct than other option(s) provided but still remains possible explanation for finding~25
“Unlikely”Is applied if proffered diagnosis is believed to have, at best, low likelihood of being actual explanation for finding< 10
Fig. 1A —Representative examples of axial T2-weighted prostate MR images of three patients that illustrate use of certainty lexicon. Also provided are corresponding whole-mount histopathology slices on which tumors are encircled by black or green lines and blue lines indicate location of extracapsular tumor spread.
A, 73-year-old man with prostate cancer of right posterior peripheral zone (Gleason score, 4 + 3 = 7; prostate-specific antigen [PSA], 4.57 ng/mL). MR image shows tumor (arrow) has broad capsular contact with capsular bulging and obliteration of right rectoprostatic angle; these findings were reported to be “consistent with extracapsular extension.” Extracapsular tumor spread was proven on histopathology.
Fig. 1B —Representative examples of axial T2-weighted prostate MR images of three patients that illustrate use of certainty lexicon. Also provided are corresponding whole-mount histopathology slices on which tumors are encircled by black or green lines and blue lines indicate location of extracapsular tumor spread.
B, 46-year-old man with left-sided peripheral zone prostate cancer (Gleason score, 3 + 4 = 7; PSA, 4.2 ng/mL). MR image shows low-signal-intensity mass with capsular contact (arrow) that was reported to represent “possible extracapsular extension.” On histopathology, tumor was in contact with prostatic capsule but did not show extracapsular spread.
Fig. 1C —Representative examples of axial T2-weighted prostate MR images of three patients that illustrate use of certainty lexicon. Also provided are corresponding whole-mount histopathology slices on which tumors are encircled by black or green lines and blue lines indicate location of extracapsular tumor spread.
C, 67-year-old man with prostate cancer of left peripheral zone (Gleason score, 4 + 3 = 7; PSA, 4.00 ng/mL). Tumor (arrow) had no contact with prostatic capsule, and possibility of extracapsular extension was definitely excluded in radiology report.
We evaluated the lexicon by retrospectively reviewing and comparing prospectively issued routine clinical MRI reports from time periods before and after the implementation of the lexicon. We chose to focus our assessment on the detection of ECE for the following reasons: First, determination of the presence or absence of ECE is one of the main purposes of preprostatectomy MRI and is thus explicitly mentioned in almost all such MRI reports. Second, the presence of ECE influences the pathologic T category and is therefore highly relevant for the patient's prognosis and therapy planning. Third, the relatively high incidence of ECE enables reasonable statistical analysis.
On the basis of a prior report about the implementation of a standardized reporting scheme in radiology [9], we assumed a 2-year settling-in period for the use of the lexicon and defined 2011 as the study period (hereafter referred to as the “lexicon period”). We also assumed a 2-year preparation phase before the implementation of the certainty lexicon. Therefore, we chose 2007 (hereafter referred to as the “prelexicon period”) as the period from which the control group would be selected. Thus, the inclusion criteria for this study were biopsy-proven prostate cancer, multiparametric MRI of the prostate performed in 2007 or 2011 within 180 days before radical prostatectomy and interpreted by a radiologist who read prostate MRI in both 2007 and 2011, and whole-mount step-section histopathology results available. Patients with previous radiotherapy (external-beam radiation or brachytherapy) of the prostate were excluded from the study. The protocol of this study was compliant with HIPAA and approved by the institutional review board, which waived informed consent.
A total of 211 patients (mean age, 58.8 ± 7.6 years) imaged in the lexicon period met the inclusion criteria and served as the study group. A total of 254 patients (59.3 ± 7.1 years) imaged in the prelexicon period met the inclusion criteria and were included in the control group.
All MRI studies were performed on a 1.5-T or 3-T MRI system (Signa, GE Healthcare). For signal reception, a pelvic phased-array coil with four channels was used in combination with an endorectal coil (BPX 15 for 1.5T and BPX 30 for 3T, Medrad). The following were acquired: transverse T1-weighted images; transverse, coronal, and sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo images; trans-verse diffusion-weighted sequences and parametric maps of apparent diffusion coefficients; and a dynamic contrast-enhanced 3D T1-weighted spoiled gradient-echo sequence after IV injection of 0.1 mmol of gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist, Berlex Laboratories) per kilogram of body weight. Three board-certified radiologists who subspecialized in genitourinary imaging prospectively reported the MRI examinations during routine clinical practice. A radiology resident with 4 years of experience in radiology retrospectively reviewed these reports and extracted the readers’ levels of certainty for the presence of ECE. On histopathology, ECE was classified as absent (i.e., pT2 disease) or present (i.e., pT3 disease).

Statistical Analysis

For each study period, we tabulated patient age at MRI, Gleason score, and plasma level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as well as the prevalence of ECE on histopathology and the identities of the reporting radiologists. The Fisher exact test was used to compare Gleason scores and the prevalence of ECE on histopathology between the patients from the two study periods, and age and PSA levels were compared between the two groups using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. ROC analysis was used to measure the diagnostic accuracy of the certainty lexicon during the lexicon period. A test with a p value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses were performed using software package SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute).


Study Population

Table 2 compares the demographic and clinical data of patients from the prelexicon and lexicon periods. It shows that there were no statistically significant differences in age, PSA levels, Gleason scores, or prevalence of ECE between the two groups of patients.
TABLE 2: Patient and Image Characteristics
CharacteristicPrelexicon Period (n = 254)Lexicon Period (n = 211)p
Age at MRI (y) (mean ± SD, median, range)59.3 ± 7.1, 59.4, ± 7.6, 58.9,
Plasma level of PSA (ng/mL) (mean ± SD, median, range)6.2 ± 5.2, 5.1, ± 8.8, 5.1,
Gleason score   
 645 (17.7)47 (22.3)0.120
 7193 (76.0)143 (67.8) 
 ≥8 16 (6.3)21 (10.0) 
Presence of ECE on histopathology   
 No ECE (pT2)171 (67.3)139 (65.9)0.767
 ECE present (pT3)83 (32.7)72 (34.1) 
Reporting radiologist   
 189 (35.0)120 (56.9) 
 247 (18.5)54 (25.6) 
 3118 (46.5)37 (17.5) 

Note—Data in parentheses are percentages. PSA = prostate-specific antigen, ECE = extracapsular extension.

Radiologists’ Expressions of Diagnostic Certainty

During the prelexicon period, the reporting radiologists used 38 different expressions to indicate their levels of certainty for the presence of ECE on MRI. To enable reasonable statistical analysis, these expressions were grouped according to the specific words or phrases used (e.g., “suspicion/suspicious,” “probable/probably,” “may be/may represent,” and so on), resulting in 17 groups that are listed in Table 3. In the reports of three patients imaged during the prelexicon period (3/254, 1.2%), we found no information about the presence of ECE, and we classified these patients as a distinct group. During the lexicon period, the readers mostly adhered to the predefined terms of the certainty lexicon. In 31 cases (31/211, 14.7%), however, the radiologist described the tumor's relation to the prostatic capsule but did not explicitly express a level of certainty for ECE using the lexicon. In 180 of 211 patients (85.3%), the radiologists’ reporting was compliant with the lexicon; there were no significant differences in the rates of compliance of the three radiologists (86.7%, 85.2%, and 81.1% for readers 1, 2, and 3, respectively; p = 0.703).
TABLE 3: Radiologists’ Expressions of Their Levels of Certainty for Presence or Absence of Extracapsular Extension (ECE) on Prostate MRI During Prelexicon Period
Radiologists’ PhrasingCertainty GroupNo. (%)
No ECE is seenNo ECE97 (38.2)
No definitive ECE is seen  
No evidence for ECE is seen  
No definitive evidence for ECE is seen  
No tumor is seen  
Organ-confined disease  
Prostate carcinoma without ECE  
Prostate carcinoma without evidence for ECE  
ECE cannot be excludedECE not excluded35 (13.8)
ECE is not excluded  
ECE cannot be entirely excluded  
ECE cannot be ruled out  
ECE is suspectedECE is suspected29 (11.4)
Early ECE is suspected  
High suspicion for ECE  
Findings are suspicious for ECE  
No gross ECE is seenNo gross ECE23 (9.1)
ECE is possibleECE is possible20 (7.9)
At risk for ECERisk for ECE11 (4.3)
ECE is presentECE is present9 (3.5)
Tumor shows ECE  
Prostate carcinoma with ECE  
Prostate carcinoma with mild ECE  
Findings raise concern for ECEConcern for ECE8 (3.1)
There is concern for ECE  
ECE is probableECE is probable5 (2.0)
ECE may be presentMay be ECE4 (1.6)
Findings may be ECE  
Findings may represent ECE  
There is a capsular irregularity of uncertain significanceTumor-capsule relation4 (1.6)
Tumor has broad capsular contact  
There is capsule indistinctness  
ECE is not mentioned in reportECE not mentioned3 (1.2)
Findings are equivocal for ECEEquivocal for ECE2 (0.8)
ECE is likelyECE is likely1 (0.4)
Probably no ECE presentProbably no ECE1 (0.4)
Findings could represent ECEECE could be present1 (0.4)
Suggestive for ECESuggesting ECE1 (0.4)

Note—To enable reasonable statistical analysis, these expressions were grouped according to the specific words or phrases used. There were 254 patients and three radiologists.

Prevalence of ECE on Histopathology

In Figure 2, the prevalence of ECE on histopathology is given for each category of diagnostic certainty separately for the prelexicon and lexicon periods. The figure shows that the variety of expressions used to indicate diagnostic certainty was substantially reduced after the implementation of the lexicon. It also shows that during the lexicon period the radiologists’ levels of certainty were related to the prevalence of ECE on histopathology—that is, the prevalence of ECE on histopathology increased with the level of certainty for ECE expressed in the radiology reports.
Fig. 2 —Chart shows comparison of radiologists’ expressions of diagnostic certainty regarding extracapsular extension (ECE) on preprostatectomy prostate MRI and actual prevalence of ECE on histopathology before (left) and after (right) implementation of standardized lexicon. Light gray part of each bar represents proportion of patients without ECE on whole-mount histopathology, whereas black part represents proportion of patients with ECE. Absolute number of patients is noted in parentheses and within bars. After implementation of certainty lexicon, number of phrases used to express diagnostic certainty was reduced from 38 (clustered retrospectively into 17 groups shown in Table 3) to five.

Diagnostic Accuracy of Certainty Lexicon

The diagnostic accuracy measures were calculated for those patients for whom the reporting radiologist adhered to the predefined terms of the lexicon (n = 180). First, the study population was dichotomized according to the radiologists’ degree of certainty for ECE. Table 4 gives the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for the diagnosis of ECE on MRI for different cutoff levels. The AUC for the accuracy of the 5-point certainty lexicon in the diagnosis of ECE was 0.852 (95% CI, 0.795–0.909) (Fig. 3). This discriminatory ability could not be calculated for the prelexicon period because there was no basis on which specific numeric levels of certainty could be assigned to the 38 terms used during that period.
TABLE 4: Sensitivity, Specificity, and Positive and Negative Predictive Values of the Diagnostic Certainty Lexicon for the Presence of Extracapsular Extension on MRI, Calculated at Different Cutoff Levels
Cutoff Level of Diagnostic CertaintySensitivitySpecificityPositive Predictive ValueNegative Predictive Value
1, 2, and 3 vs 40.903 (0.801–0.964)0.686 (0.595–0.769)0.602 (0.495–0.702)0.931 (0.856–0.974)
1 and 2 vs 3 and 40.645 (0.513–0.763)0.898 (0.829–0.946)0.769 (0.632–0.875)0.828 (0.751–0.889)
1 vs 2, 3, and 40.307 (0.196–0.437)0.958 (0.904–0.986)0.792 (0.579–0.929)0.724 (0.647–0.793)

Note—Cutoff level of diagnostic certainty: 1, consistent with or definitive (n = 24); 2, suspicious or probable (n = 28); 3, possible (n = 41); and 4, unlikely or absent (n = 87). Data in parentheses are 95% CIs.

Fig. 3 —Graph shows ROC curve for diagnostic accuracy of certainty lexicon. This curve was calculated for patients for whom reporting radiologist adhered to predefined terms of lexicon (n = 180). AUC was 0.852 (95% CI, 0.795–0.909).


The use of cross-sectional imaging techniques is rapidly increasing in most parts of the world [10]. However, the value of these techniques is limited without thorough, accurate image interpretation and clear communication of imaging findings. Miscommunication between radiologists and referring clinicians may give rise to adverse clinical outcomes as well as increased costs. In a recent survey of opinions about radiology reports, only 50% of the responding clinicians and 37% of the responding radiologists agreed that “The language and style of radiology reports are mostly clear” [3]. Ninety-two percent of the responding referring physicians indicated that “It is the responsibility of the radiologist to adapt his or her style and choice of words” to make the report clear and comprehensible [3].
One way to improve communication is through the use of standardized reporting “templates,” which not only require the entry of specific information in a predefined order but also typically require or promote the use of standardized terminology. Standardized reporting schemes have been found to be clearer than and preferable to free-form unstructured reports. For example, Schwartz et al. [11] found that radiologists and referring physicians gave significantly higher satisfaction ratings for structured reports than for free-form reports of oncologic body CT examinations. Barbosa et al. [12] showed that structured reports of thyroid ultrasound examinations led to increased standardization of descriptors of thyroid findings and were preferred by 75% of the radiologists and 80% of the referring endocrinologists surveyed. Ghoshhajra et al. [13] showed that the agreement of radiologists and referring physicians regarding the number of vessels with significant stenosis on coronary CT angiography was improved by the use of structured reporting software that prompted radiologists to specify which vessels showed significant stenosis (κ = 0.31 vs 0.52). Furthermore, Karim et al. [14] showed that the average time needed for reporting imaging of aortic aneurysms was significantly reduced by the use of a structured reporting system that included, among other features, drop-down menus that facilitated predefined data entries and kept free text to a minimum. In a previously mentioned survey about radiology reports [3], 85% of the responding clinicians indicated that they preferred structured radiology reports and 67% indicated that they would prefer a standard lexicon of radiologic terms.
In our study, we found that implementation of a 5-point standardized lexicon to express diagnostic certainty led to a substantial reduction in the number of different expressions used by radiologists to indicate levels of certainty regarding the presence of ECE on prostate MRI. In other words, it led to greater standardization of reporting and therefore, as suggested by the prior studies discussed, likely reduced the chances of misunderstandings. With an AUC of 0.852, the accuracy of the certainty lexicon for the diagnosis of ECE on standard-of-care MRI was comparable with the accuracy found for the detection of ECE by MRI in the literature (reported AUCs, 0.62–0.87) [1517]. Furthermore, during the lexicon period, the level of certainty for ECE stated in the MRI reports was related to the prevalence of ECE on histopathology.
Taken together, these findings suggest that referring physicians can trust that the probability of a specific finding expressed with the lexicon is reasonably accurate. A predefined lexicon of diagnostic certainty also enables the evaluation of diagnostic accuracy from routine clinical practice reports, which is not possible with free-form reports. This concept is similar to that which underpins the value of the BI-RADS lexicon in the field of mammography. Lehman et al. [18] found that after the implementation of that lexicon for screening mammography, sensitivity (0.50 vs 0.87), specificity (0.77 vs 0.89), and positive predictive value (0.43 vs 0.78) for the diagnosis of breast cancer by mammography significantly improved. In addition, Berg et al. [19] showed that training of physicians interpreting mammography in the use of the BI-RADS lexicon improved the biopsy rate for malignant lesions from 73% to 88%.
In liver MRI, a standardized 5-point certainty lexicon (liver imaging reporting and data system [LI-RADS]) has been introduced to assign liver lesions into one of five categories of estimated likelihood of hepatocellular carcinoma (1, < 5%; 2, 5–20%; 3, 21–70%; 4, 71–95%; 5, > 95%). Petruzzi et al. [20] evaluated the LI-RADS system in 100 abdominal MRI studies of patients under surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma. The AUC for the diagnosis of hepato-cellular carcinoma was reported to be 0.949. Similarly, another structured reporting system for hepatocellular carcinoma (organ procurement and transplant network) introduced a high level of specificity that would have influenced patient management in 17% of 129 patients who underwent liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma [21].
In the field of cardiac imaging, standardized structured reporting systems have been developed and elaborated over the past four decades. Internationally accepted guidelines now exist that recommend how to report coronary angiography and cardiac CT [2224]. This standardization makes it possible to directly compare results between institutions and facilitates scientific evaluation of these imaging methods.
In the field of prostate cancer imaging, one study found that when a detailed standardized reporting scheme was used to identify the locations of suspicious MRI findings in patients with prior negative prostate biopsies and those on active surveillance, systematic transrectal ultrasound–guided biopsy supplemented by MRI-targeted biopsy yielded a high rate of cancer detection (72%) [25]. Our results are in line with these prior results and favor the application of a standardized certainty lexicon in clinical reports of routine prostate MRI.
One limitation of our study is that the radiologists whose reports were included in the study did not always adhere to the proposed terms of the certainty lexicon. In 14.7% of the reports issued during the lexicon period, the radiologists described the tumor's relation to the prostate capsule and did not explicitly state their level of confidence for the presence of ECE. A possible explanation is that this study covered a period relatively early after the implementation of the lexicon, and the implementation of a certainty lexicon is a process that requires time for continuous process improvement and acceptance. Continuous education is essential to increase radiologists’ awareness of the importance of uniform terminology and improve communication with both patients and referring physicians. The term “less likely,” which indicates a diagnostic certainty of about 25%, was never used in the lexicon period of our study. In reexamining this finding, we realized that the use of the term “less likely” is cancer site–specific. Because uniformity of terminology across all cancer sites is important, a cancer site–specific certainty lexicon would defeat its own purpose.
Another limitation of our study is its retrospective design. Although the MRI reports were issued during routine clinical practice and therefore reflect prospective “real-world” conditions, the validation of the certainty lexicon was done retrospectively. Thus, the findings—especially those for the prelexicon period when no predefined terminology existed—may have been affected by interpretation bias on the part of the reader who retrospectively reviewed and interpreted the original reports.
A possible limitation may also be the 180-day interval between MRI and prostatectomy. However, prostate cancer is considered a slow growing tumor, and such a long interval is frequently reported and accepted in the literature on preprostatectomy MRI [2628]. Another limitation of this study is that we did not account for the possible impact of changes in technology over time. Furthermore, the effect of a learning curve was not assessed. Although unlikely, it is possible that the radiologists could have improved their diagnostic skills over time and therefore used fewer terms even if the lexicon had not been implemented. In addition, a limitation of the certainty lexicon is that it comes with predefined thresholds. Thus, a radiologist who is, for example, 60% sure is forced to use “possibly (50%)” or “suspicious/probably (75%)” instead of expressing the exact grade of certainty.
In conclusion, a 5-point standardized lexicon of diagnostic certainty has reasonable accuracy for the diagnosis of ECE of prostate cancer on standard-of-care prostate MRI, and its implementation substantially reduces the number of expressions used by radiologists to indicate their levels of diagnostic certainty. Therefore, the use of such a certainty lexicon can provide clinicians with reliable information for clinical decision making and reduce the chances of miscommunication of imaging findings.


We thank Ada Muellner for editing the manuscript.


This is a web exclusive article.


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: W651 - W657
PubMed: 25415731


Submitted: February 6, 2014
Accepted: March 31, 2014
First published: November 21, 2014


  1. diagnostic certainty
  2. prostate MRI
  3. radiology report
  4. standardized reporting
  5. standardized terminology



Andreas Wibmer
Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10065.
Hebert Alberto Vargas
Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10065.
Ramon Sosa
Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10065.
Junting Zheng
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY.
Chaya Moskowitz
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY.
Hedvig Hricak
Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10065.


Address correspondence to A. Wibmer ([email protected]).
A. Wibmer and H. A. Vargas contributed equally to this work.

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